August 31, 2011

The Sound of Music (1965)






US Trapp Family, musical, Julie Andrews, 5 Oscars
-Year: 1965
-Year in film: 1936   
-Country: USA
-Who in clothing: Kurt ~11, Friedrich 14, Lederhosen
-Who in clothing 2: boys, girls, sailor suits
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: yes DVD *
-Clothing occurence: medium
-Rating:  8/10 
-Rating: ********
-Comment: Duane Chase as Kurt (youngest boy, pictured top left and bottom right in short Lederhosen, looks like smooth finish), Nicholas Hammond as Friedrich (other boy pictured an all pics) in long pants with H-suspenders and pants in boots) Also selfmade Lederhosen style pants made from green curtains (bottom left), other kids also in similar clothings, but Kurt not in Lederhosen style. Also breeches, Kurt in long nightshirt, Friedrich in pajamas. One other boy in brief scene in Lederhosen ringing bell in bell tower. At the end alpine capes. I think Kurt in 2 different Lederhosen (bottom right looks lighter than other).

So finally I have also watched this US version of the "Die Trapp-Familie" (for the original German film of 1956 starring Michael Ande, see that entry, rating 10).
I like also this musical. The plot is of course the same though here some plot more detailed and featuring many (other) songs. Some scenes are exactly the same (eg dad whistling for the kids), some scenes are more detailed and dramatic (end scenes, fleeing and hiding), some scenes are different or missing (water splashing scene, here falling from a boat in a lake in those green suits). I think I don't have to tell the complete plot. You will find it elsewhere.

I somehow wonder, why this version is worldwide much more famous. Perhaps because of the songs or of Julie Andrews or the landscape scenes. I also wonder why American actors are playing Austrians (because of singing?) and if Europeans or even Americans prefer native Austrian or German people in Lederhosen. Myself I even prefer Americans in Lederhosen.
I don't like the unusual green grey sailor suits here. Why is that? At least short soft pants. Short scenes only. The Lederhosen scenes I like here much more but are medium to fewer occurences and real Lederhosen by Kurt only.
For more about the sailor suits, and pic of the back see entry "Info 12: Length of sailor collars".

Some songs and performances are good but I have to watch it more often and also check the other languages. Film is 168 minutes and if you don't see it in one turn you might have forgotten the beginning (and the 2 other Trapp films). It's hard to tell, which version I like more. Both have pros and cons.

My favourite scenes are at (0:25, kids first, 46 pajamas, 52 green clothing, 57 first Lederhosen, 58 cycling in green, 59 Lederhosen bottom right, 107 falling in water, 114, 118 breeches, 126, 129, 140 sitting Lederhosen, 153 standing Lederhosen, 213 bell tower, 229, 245 capes).

Music: I have now heard the songs in all 4 languages. Songs are in total 52 minutes. About the half of the songs are performed by the whole family. My favourite songs are of course the title song and my favourite song with the kids is "So Long, Farewell" (also later as reprise). The most alpine song, even more than Edelweiss, and one of my favorites is "The Lonely Goatherd" also showing marionettes, one in yellow Lederhosen and a goat with cap). Interesting language differences. I don't like the yodeling of the French and Catalan versions.

DVD: There are many different versions. I own the German 1 disc 45th anniversary edition (incl. German, English, French and Spanish language). Image quality is very good. Only real extra is a 2 minute tour docu, at least with a still of the actors showing how they look today. There are 2 notable editions (the Blu-Ray with new high-res transfer) and the 2 disc DVD with all available extras. Film is in 70mm (1:2.20) so a bit wider than 16:9 widescreen.
I will watch the other Films and this again and later updating again (favourite song, scenes or maybe else I have missed). Interesting and funny also some single frames and glances of the actors.

For the 2011 Salzburg musical see


Deleted clip removed.

Info 10: Update

I'v seen most parts of Fanny och Alexander and updated this entry (incl. 3 new pics, including girl Fanny). Rating upgraded from 8 to 9.


Der schönste Tag meines Lebens (1957)

German Heimatfilm starring Michael Ande
-Year: 1957
-Year in film: 1950s   
-Country: Germany
-Who in clothing: boys ~10-12 ys, sailor suits
-Who in clothing 2:boys, Lederhosen
-Available on DVD: no ? *
-I own: no
-Clothing occurence: often ?
-Rating:  7/10 ? 
-Rating: *******
-Comment: Michael Ande as Tony in as well in white and blue sailor suit. Also the Wiener Sängerknaben (Vienna Boys Choir) at least in white sailor suits (pictured). I think I have seen this film, but don't remember it completely. The scene in the clips looks similar to my 2nd pic of "Wenn die Glocken hell erklingen" (1959). I have to check both films and hope for a soon TV broadcasting. I couldn't find any VHS or DVD release (not to be confused with other films with the same title), however there is a Japanese Laserdisc. (Also many clips with Japanese subtitles on Youtube but in bad image quality). I'm not sure about the amount of sailor suit scenes. Good publicity still with Ande in blue sailor suit being embraced by Ellinor Jensen. Probably another good Heimatfilm with Ande and the Wiener Sängerknaben, so rating 7 for now. Also starring Paul Hörbiger.

Update: Now I have seen a clip, also confirming Ande and many boys in buckskin Lederhosen, some with suspenders. A better clip showing Lederhosen on YouTube is called "Michael Ande & Wiener Sängerknaben - Mit Musik durchs Leben gehn 1957". (See also announcement)


August 30, 2011

Jokehnen oder Wie lange fährt man von Ostpreußen nach Deutschland?

German TV series starring Armin Mueller-Stahl, 3 ep.
-Year: 1987
-Year in film: 1934 (sailor suit)   
-Country: Germany
-Who in clothing: boy ~8 ys, sailor suit
-Who in clothing 2: other boys, men, German uniforms
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: yes DVD
-Clothing occurence: low * 
-Rating:  6/10 *  
-Rating: ******
-Comment: Now another sailor suit entry. A young boy in sailor suit (pictured), I don't know his name. It's not the teen Christian Mueller-Stahl who first appeared on DVD 2. Good series covering life of a family in Germany/East Prussia during WWII between 1934 and 1944. Brief scene of this boy in sailor suit (but have to check the complete series again). Also some teens (Christian and others) in German uniforms of the 1930s scouting and cycling. Some interesting scenes (kids playing in hayloft and sex ed). Also scenes at school, bathing and fishing. Good setting and cute actors. Series would get a rating of 8-9, but for sailor suit and other scenes only rating 5-6. I clipped the pics as I don't want to show this painting of this German leader where the boy is standing at on a chair. You can see front and back and shorts of the sailor suit.  

Info 9: Updates, purchase

I checked the web for The Sound of Music and even bought it (Sailor suits and Lederhosen). I have already seen some parts, but film is ~3 hours + extras. So it will take 1 or 2 days for an entry, including review, pics and differences to the Trapp Family. If I have time I will later also check the different languages and subtitles.

A minor update for entry Kikania (name of Schuhplattler boy and date of broadcasting). I also made and will make some very minor corrections in the future if necessary and don't announce these.

A lot of Heimatfilms were aired last days (but half of it with older men in Lederhosen only). But much to do (and I also have the other blog).

Abenteuer in Bamsdorf

East German children's film (DEFA)
-Year: 1958
-Year in film: 1950s   
-Country: GDR
-Who in clothing: Toni 10 ys, Lederhosen
-Who in clothing 2:
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: yes, partly TV recording
-Clothing occurence: often ? 
-Rating:  9/10  
-Rating: *********
-Comment: Bernd Kuss (pictured) in Patina or smooth finish Lederhosen, not sure. Almost another unknown entry. I found some clips of this film and didn't know this title but found it today. First I assumed an Austrian Heimatfilm of the early 50s, then Die Gerechten von Kummerow. But I checked this film again with sound, heard a Berlin like dialect and also names of the characters and the word similar like Damsdorf. Then I found Roland Kaiser (born in Damsdorf) but then the correct title. There is also a b/w prequel "Die Fahrt nach Bamsdorf" (same actors) which is also quite good (I also own some parts of that). I like this film, although the boy looks very young. Some good scenes (Lederhosen, but also shirtless in blue underpants), also at least one other boy in short blue or green thin cotton pants. And a younger girl Rita (Petra Kyburg) in Dirndl ? dress. I hope for a soon broadcasting to check it again or perhaps I even will buy this film. I only have few parts in very bad VHS quality. Rating 9 for now. Both films are available together on DVD. This film is only 57 minutes.

Zwei Münchner in Hamburg

German family series starring Uschi Glas, 37 episodes
-Year: 1989-1993
-Year in film: ~1989   
-Country: Germany
-Who in clothing: Max ~10 ys, Lederhosen
-Who in clothing 2:
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: yes, partly TV recording
-Clothing occurence: low 
-Rating:  5/10  
-Rating: *****
-Comment: Florian Stubenvoll (pictured) in black or dark buckskin Lederhosen where there are still in Munich. I don't know the exact episode, maybe the first or one of the first. I like this series, also showing other scenes in pajamas and shiny shorts (soccer game with many other boys) and I think also underwear scenes (tighty whities). I don't remember the complete series, but assume few Lederhosen scenes, so only rating 5. Series in now on DVD but I haven't bought it yet. Also starring Elmar Wepper, Enzi Fuchs, Heinz Reincke and Johannes Heesters. I hope for a soon broadcasting to check this again. No streaming clips except for trailers.

August 29, 2011

Unknown 3: Musikantenstadl ? Karl Moik 1990

Volksmusik show (unknown)
-Year: ~1990
-Year in film: 1990   
-Country: Austria (+ Switzerland)
-Who in clothing: boys ~11 ys, Lederhosen
-Who in clothing 2: girls Dirndl
-Available on DVD: no ?
-I own: yes, partly TV recording
-Clothing occurrence: often
-Rating:  10/10 
-Rating: **********
-Comment: Boys from Kufstein, Austria in brown buckskin Tracht Lederhosen (pictured), girls in Dirndl, also other boys and girls from Schwyz (Central Suisse), Appenzell and other regions. 
I have some parts on VHS but not sure about the title of this show. Hosted by Karl Moik (not pictured but sure), co-hosted by another man. Aired on 3sat and recorded in 1990 but not sure exactly. The boys pictured also loosen the circle and dances Schuhplattler (and jumping). Good catchy accordion music (it's called Auerhahn Plattler). Later also 2 French speaking girls were interviewed and kids from Switzerland cracking a whip (Peitsche Schnalzen) jumping over a broom and other alpine traditions during music. I have to check and investigate this again and perhaps uploading a video. If someone knows this show please comment. This is my first junior Schuhplattler recording and I still like it. Though quite bad tape quality.

Update: Today I found the name of this club: D'Koasara. 
Perhaps this was a special show about a junior competition (Folklorefestival was mentioned) I like this dance. Funny also Dirndldrahn (turning the girls). Not sure if this is a Holzhacker Schuhplattler. Most funny is a Watchnplattler with hitting in the face (but not shown here).
I wonder if all kids like wearing Lederhosen and continue as teens and grown ups.


New clip on YouTube linked here

Der Wilderer vom Silberwald

German Heimatfilm starring Rudolf Lenz
-Year: 1957
-Year in film: 1950s   
-Country: Germany
-Who in clothing: boy ~11 ys, Lederhosen
-Who in clothing 2:
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own:yes, TV recording
-Clothing occurence: medium
-Rating:  6/10  
-Rating: ******
-Comment: Harry Kratz (pictured) in light brown Tracht Lederhosen. Tyrolean hat also another pointed yellow hat. Also in long pants and dressing gown. Most scenes at the first 3rd of this movie. Also some few other (thinner) boys in Lederhosen ~10ys , one cycling (brief background scene) one boy at a shooting range (2 short scenes at the end), younger boys and maybe some teen boys in the background. Men dancing Schuhplattler (Watschnplattler). A teen girl and a younger kid in blue shorts (maybe jeans).

I have seen the prequel "Der Förster vom Silberwald" (1954) aka "Echo der Berge" completely recently, but didn't noticed any good notable Lederhosen scenes there. Kratz also didn't appear there. Both films are available together on one single DVD. First film also available separately. For Kratz see also entry "Die Sennerin von St. Kathrein" (1955), rating 8/10. Also here starring Anita Gutwell, Rudolf Carl and Wolfgang Jansen here. No trailers.

Quite good and typical Heimatfilm. I like Harry Kratz. But Die Sennerin von St. Kathrein is much better including touching scenes with Kratz and animals. This leaving rating 6.

August 28, 2011

Die Fischerin vom Bodensee

German Heimatfilm starring Marianne Hold
-Year: 1956
-Year in film: 1950s   
-Country: German
-Who in clothing: Loisl ~11 ys, Lederhosen
-Who in clothing 2: 2 other boys, Lederhosen
-Available on DVD: VHS only ?
-I own: yes, TV recording
-Clothing occurence: low
-Rating:  8/10 
-Rating: ********
-Comment: Loisl Blank as Loisl (pictured left and right) in Lederhosen (looks like smooth finish or Patina). Very good film/Lederhosen, but few scenes. 2 scenes with him drumming (right and for a big audience). Also walking but I remember most scenes of frontside (also sitting). Other boys at least one in buckskin Lederhosen (pictured right on right, this scene also from other viewpoint and boy sitting near the man). According to IMDB Loisl Blank only in this film. International title: "The Fisher-girl from Lake Bodensee". Released also in France and Greece, I wonder why this film is not on DVD. Also starring Gerhard Riedmann, story by Ernst Neubach. Due to few good Lederhosen scenes "only" rating 8.

Info 8: Google image search by image

Today I tried the Google image "search by image" with the pic above for my unknown Lederhosen film (and others)


(You can drag a pic into the google image search field). No results. And the similar images were only similar in colors. Not even dwarves or animated characters.
I also wasn't aware that the pic would be actually uploaded (where to? and for how long?) So that this pic might be useful and not be forever in Google's nirvana, I put it on this blog. Perhaps someone knows this film. I also tried TinEye. Also interesting that there is no thumbnail in the blog feed (but in my dashboard) and this pic is not on picasa and can't be taken from my post.
I think I have to check my old tape again, this time including sound.

There is the film "Die Heinzelmännchen (1956)" but looks different (small real life people or kids in costumes). Note the caps are blue instead of red. Looks also like a bathtub scene.

Some search keywords that others could find this via Google search:
Wer kennt diesen film? Kinderfilm 1950, 50er Jahre, Heinzelmännchen animiert, teilweise animiert, Kobolde, Zwerge, DEFA film,unbekannter Film, Zeichentrick Heinzelmännchen. Müllmänner, kleiner Junge in Lederhose.

Update: After 3 weeks (or earlier) this image had been deleted (or renamed or transfered somewhere else". So I upload this pic the usual way that someone can identfy this film.

Fanny och Alexander

Drama by Ingmar Bergman, 4 Oscars
-Year: 1982
-Year in film: ~1909   
-Country: Sweden, F, D
-Who in clothing: Alexander ~10 ys, sailor suit
-Who in clothing 2: girl Fanny, boy, others, sailor suit
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: no
-Clothing occurence: often *
-Rating:  9/10  
-Rating: *********
-Comment: Bertil Guve as Alexander (pictured) in short white, blue and medium blue sailor suits, Pernilla Allwin in blue sailor suit, and another boy at least in white sailor suit. Also some other kids (short scene outside). Also breeches and kids in night shirts. Also kids and grown ups in other historical aristocratic clothings.
Funny. Last night I thought about my dad and this reminds me of this film. I have seen it once or twice in the 80s and haven't seen it on TV since. Of course a masterpiece of Ingmar Bergann showing historical childhood and family in ~1909. I can't remember all scenes and have to see it again or even buy it. I assume medium or more good sailor suit scenes, but somehow I don't like the film and the dark haired boy. So only rating 8 for now. Perhaps most readers know this film and I don't have to tell much about it. I wonder, why I haven't thought about it earlier. I even own the novel. Actually one of the first films to associate with sailor suits. Also starring Allan Edwall (Emil i Lönneberga, died in 1997) and Börje Ahlstedt. Top 208 at IMDb. I will update this (blue sailor suits, girl) and hope for a soon airing. Film aka "Fanny and Alexander".  Running time 188 minutes, rated R. There is also a making of film.

Update: Now I have seen most parts of this film. I noticed blue sailor suits only in 2 scenes after funeral at dinner (pic top right with napkins, also shown from behind, middle of film). Also medium blue striped sailor suit with white collar (bottom right). Mainly in white sailor suits (beginning scenes at Christmas). Note young boy has a white collar and short pants (without stockings) and Alexander blue collar and black (or dark blue) stockings or tights (bottom left). Girl in blue sailor suit only. Spanking scene of Alexander not in real sailor suit but pullover with collar. Relative to complete film medium sailor suit scenes, but where the boys are shown at daytime relatively often. Upgrading rating 8 to 9. But I still have to check this complete film and making of at slow speed.

Skandal in Ischl

Austrian Heimatfilm with Michael Ande
-Year: 1957
-Year in film: 1910   
-Country: Austria
-Who in clothing: Franz ~12 ys, historical clothing
-Who in clothing 2: others
-Available on DVD: no?
-I own: yes, TV recording
-Clothing occurence: low *
-Rating:  3/10 
-Rating: ***
-Comment: Michael Ande (pictured left and right), this time not in Lederhosen, but as ill prince Franz in historical prince's uniform and breeches. Also showing that a man dressed him the red pants on and showing short and long white underwear. Some short scenes with Ande in the middle of the film, also riding. I like the Austrian dialect, but I don't like this film. So rating 3. Also starring O.W. Fischer, novel by Hermann Bahr. I couldn't find any DVD or VHS releases nor clips on YouTube.

August 27, 2011

Unknown 2: Unter unserem Himmel (1969) ?

German documentary, this episode 1989
-Year: 1969-
-Year in film: 1989   
-Country: Germany
-Who in clothing: boys ~11-18 ys, Lederhosen
-Who in clothing 2:  men Lederhosen, girls Dirndl
-Available on DVD: no
-I own: yes, partly TV recording
-Clothing occurence: often ?
-Rating:  6/10 
-Rating: ******
-Comment: Some probably Bavarian boys and men in black buckskin Tracht Lederhosen (pictured). I'm not sure about this title and only have some few scenes on VHS tape. But sure broadcasting was 1989 and edited by Hans Böhmler. I found only this TV series which is even still running (no entry at IMDb). One boy and girl are younger (in the middle) and at the end many young and old men in Lederhosen leaving the scene and walking to the right. Even not sure if they also dance Schuhplattler or only other dances. I only made some screen captures recently (without speaker plugged in). If I have much time I will check my old tapes again.

If you search for Unknown 1, I could solve it, see "Hahó, Öcsi!" (rating 3).

List 1: Women in Lederhosen

For those who prefer films with women in Lederhosen, I will create for now this list (work in progress). I don't want a too erotic or adult blog and most films are not on YouTube and most pics are not suitable and also copyrighted. 

German soft erotic comedy feature films "Lederhosenfilme"

-3 Schwedinnen in Oberbayern, (1977) cut/uncut
-Auf der Alm da gibt's koa Sünd (1974) FSK 16
-Beim Jodeln juckt die Lederhose (1974) FSK 16
-Gaudi in der Lederhose (1977) FSK 16
-Geh zieh dein Dirndl aus (1973) (Elisabeth Volkmann)
-Kursaison im Dirndlhöschen (1981) FSK 16
-Urlaubsgrüße aus dem Unterhöschen (1973) FSK 16
-Zum Gasthof der spritzigen Mädchen (1979) FSK 16 (unsure if Lederhosen)

Info 6: Blog feed actualization problems

Still problems with lacking blog feed actualizations.
I checked the Google help forums but can't find a solution. Obviously a common problem. And only with this new blog.
Even manually updating at the dashboard doesn't work anymore.

But yesterday I clicked on the actualization button at my Google Reader account and that worked. I hope, that this will be working without that procedure.

Also Google image search probably still won't find (at least the last) images. And I think also the internal blog search doesn't work properly.

So just read this blog regularly.

August 26, 2011


German Heimatfilm starring Carsta Löck
-Year: 1956
-Year in film: 1950s   
-Country: Germany
-Who in clothing: boys ~11 ys?, Lederhosen
-Who in clothing 2
-Available on DVD: VHS only?
-I own: no
-Clothing occurence: medium ?
-Rating:  5/10 
-Rating: *****
-Comment: I think some boys in Lederhosen (perhaps also smooth finish Lederhosen, one publicity still looks like). Many kids of a choir, see also clip. Sorry, I don't know or don't remember this Heimatfilm. I have to check again the next TV broadcasting. Seems like a good romance filmed at the Lüneburger Heide about a female teacher and a horse breeder (Martin Benrath ?) Not sure about this film, kids might be quite young. Rating 5 for now. VHS available, don't saw any facts about a DVD release. Rural, maybe farm content. Directed by Ulrich Erfuth (Mein Mann das Wirtschaftswunder).

Zärtliches Geheimnis

German Heimatfilm starring Michael Ande
-Year: 1956
-Year in film: 1950s   
-Country: Germany
-Who in clothing: boys ~10 ys, Lederhosen
-Who in clothing 2: speedos
-Available on DVD: no ?
-I own: yes, TV recording
-Clothing occurence: medium
-Rating:  5/10 
-Rating: *****
-Comment: Starring Michael Ande in double role as Rosmarin von Stetten and poor boy Thymian Retzer and other kids at school (pictured). I don't know/don't remember this movie. But seems to be a good film with role swapping (similar like the prince and the pauper). Story "Was am See geschah" by Lisa Tetzner, film also starring Hans Söhnker, Edith Mill and Beppo Brem. Film aka "Ferien in Tirol" , directed by Wolfgang Schleif, and I think not yet released on either VHS nor DVD. I have to check this film the next TV broadcasting, but rating 5 for now. Boys are looking very young, but might be a good film. At least Ande in buckskin Lederhosen, not sure about others in smooth finish Lederhosen. One clip on YouTube, but can't be embedded.

Update: Now completely seen.Upgrading from 5 to 8.

Best scenes at the beginning (small pics above) at the playground before the school. Some boys ~9-10 ys in very good Lederhosen.
Michael Ande less than half of the time in short Lederhosen (with suspenders)m, also in shorts without suspenders or not shown, and also in long non-leather pants but with suspernders.

Some quite good and funny scenes. Milking scenes, first he tried to milk a bull. Also short scenes in white speedos or underwear at a lake. Also good plot and Heimatfilm setting. Sadly in b&w only.

For the very few but good scenes rating 8.

August 25, 2011

Escape of the Artful Dodger

TV series about Oliver Twist, 13 episodes
-Year: 2001
-Year in film: ~1830s   
-Country: Australia
-Who in clothing: boys, girls historical clothing
-Who in clothing 2: men
-Available on DVD: no ?
-I own: yes, partly TV recording
-Clothing occurence: often
-Rating:  4/10 
-Rating: ****
-Comment: Not sailor suits or Lederhosen but very good historical clothing (pictured). Starring Matthew Waters (right pic on right with red hair), Rowan Witt as Oliver Twist (pic left on right), Luke O'Loughlin and Brittany Byrnes. Also a lot of grown up actors and girls in historical clothing. Not sure about breeches or similar. Series is now running on SWR (early in the morning). I think not yet released on DVD. There are also some other Oliver Twist films, but I like Matthew Waters and this series is quite good. No Sailor suits or Lederhosen, so only rating 4.

How the Grinch Stole Christmas (2000)

Family film starring Jim Carrey, 1 Oscar
-Year: 2000
-Year in film: 1990s?   
-Country: USA, Germany
-Who in clothing: girls, sailor suit
-Who in clothing 2: boys ?
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: no
-Clothing occurence: low ?
-Rating:  3/10 
-Rating: ***
-Comment: Some girls (at least 6) in blue sailor suits with white collars or something similar. Not sure about boys but I assume only girls and I think only in a short scene. I don't remember this movie well enough and I don't like it. Although quite funny and good entertainment for the family (though rated PG). Many awards, including Oscar and Young Artist Award for whole film. Taylor Momsen was also nominated for a Young Artist Award. Sorry, I don't like neither film nor those clothing. It's also a modern Christmas film. There is also a 1966 animated film narrated by Boris Karloff. Perhaps I will check this if this is on TV. But rating 3 for now.

Little Lord Fauntleroy (1936)

Family film starring Mickey Rooney
-Year: 1936
-Year in film: 1880s   
-Country: USA
-Who in clothing: Ceddie ~10, sailor suit
-Who in clothing 2: other clothing, others
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: yes DVD
-Clothing occurence: medium ?
-Rating:  4/10 
-Rating: ****
-Comment: Freddie Bartholomew as Ceddie in as well white and blue sailor suits (pictured top and bottom). The film is in the Public Domain now. I also own it on the DVD Mickey Rooney - Triple Feature Movie Marathon (+ "Love Laughs at Andy Hardy" and "The Big Wheel". I don't watch this DVD often and it's of course not the same as the 1980 color version starring Rick Schroder (see that entry). I will check this complete film at slow speed again if I have enough time in some days or few weeks for amount and quality of clothing scenes and as well other actors. But I assume medium or fewer good sailor suit scenes. Film is available for free (streaming or download at


German TV romance starring Gaby Dohm
-Year: 2010
-Year in film: 2000s   
-Country: Germany
-Who in clothing: boys ~7-10ys, men, Lederhosen
-Who in clothing 2:  girls, women Dirndl, overalls
-Available on DVD: no ?
-I own: yes, TV recording
-Clothing occurence: low
-Rating:  4/10 
-Rating: ****
-Comment: Several boys and men in dark brown buckskin Lederhosen (men in longer Lederhosen), I don't know their names as well as girls and women in Tracht Dirndl and at least 2 women in bib overalls and men in coveralls. For more infos see my overalls blog. Also starring Elmar Wepper and Christina Hecke. I think no Trailers and no DVD release yet.
Update: Now I have seen this complete film and I don't like it. Few Lederhosen scenes at the end at a big outdoor party. 
2 boys also jumping on a sports trampoline. Many actors in Tracht but mostly shown from a distance. Setting and plot quite good but also the bib overalls scenes are not very good. It's not a real Heimatfilm. Could be much better. So downgrading from rating 5 to 4. I already deleted most parts on my HD recorder.

August 24, 2011

Little Lord Fauntleroy (1980)

Family film starring Rick Schroder
-Year: 1980
-Year in film: 1880s   
-Country: UK
-Who in clothing: Ceddie ~10, sailor suit
-Who in clothing 2: other clothing, others
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: yes, TV recording
-Clothing occurence: low *
-Rating:  8/10 
-Rating: ********
-Comment: Ricky Schroder (pictured) in a short white/light blue striped sailor suit with very long, wide black scarf. Blue squared collar, 3 stripes. Black stockings.

Also other festive suits (dark blue with white, non sailor suit collar) and poor and sporting and riding clothings (breeches?) And also grown ups in historical cothing. This is my favorite movie at Christmas Time. Only 2 short sailor suit scenes. However very good, nearly perfect film and perfect plot (Primetime Emmy Award), touching scenes and very good acting of young Schroder (for Schroder also see entry "Too Young the Hero", 1988 with him and other teens also in white sailor suits).

I saw some different DVD releases and some must be also officially. AUS DVD in enhanced widescreen or Italian (incl. English language) but I think without extras. So I don't need them. There are also earlier and later films with the same title so watch out to get the right 1980 version. Also starring Alec Guinness, novel by Francis Hodgeson Burnett.

See also the 1936 b/w version starring Freddie Bartholomew and Mickey Rooney, rating 4. I will check the other version occasionally. Rating 8 "only" due to few sailor suit scenes. He is also very young and small.

Die Trapp-Familie in Amerika

German musical Heimatfilm starring Michael Ande
-Year: 1958
-Year in film: 1958   
-Country: Germany
-Who in clothing: boys ~13, 15 ys, Lederhosen
-Who in clothing 2: 2 men, sailor suits
-Available on DVD: yes both films
-I own: yes DVD
-Clothing occurence: often
-Rating:  5/10 
-Rating: *****
-Comment: Michael Ande (pictured top on right as Werner), Knut Mahlke (Rupert, left) in bucksin Lederhosen (grey blue ones partly with green pointed hats and black or very dark blue Lederhosen (pics below). In sailor suits only 2 men with completely white collars and one short flashback of first film (back of Ande, blue sailor suit). At the end also both boys shirtless in the grey Lederhosen. Also alpine capes with backpacks under them.

This is the sequel of the Trapp Family (see entry Die Trapp-Familie, rating 10/10). Actors are ~2 years older but this film is obviously not set in the 1930s but in the late 1950s (I wonder why). Now with an 8th child (toddler boy in overalls).
Songs (at least partly) are dubbed by the boys choir "Regensburger Domspatzen" so the girls probably don't even sing here.
I don't like this film as much as the prequel. Rupert looks much older 15 or 16. At least some good song parts, good plot and shirtless scenes in Lederhosen (digging and working for their new house). Interesting what became of the family in the US. Now I have only to check The Sound of Music (1965).

There are 2 DVD boxes, I think only difference is a booklet in "Ein Wiedersehen mit Ruth Leuwerik". I think films on DVD are not available separatley, there is a VHS (at least of 1st film) however.
2 DVDs each, PAL RC2, German language and subtitles only. Very good image quality. Film 2 is 4:3 fullscreen unlike the first one. 2 different Heimatfilm trailers on each disc (without good scenes) and trailers of Trapp films and some text infos.

Few song scenes, no good sailor suits, some good Lederhosen scenes, so only rating 5.


Kids live studio show
-Year: ~2002
-Year in film: 2000s   
-Country: Germany
-Who in clothing: boy ~ 11 ys, Lederhosen
-Who in clothing 2:
-Available on DVD: no ?
-I own: yes, partly TV recording
-Clothing occurence: often *
-Rating:  5/10  
-Rating: *****
-Comment: A boy in Tracht Lederhosen (pictured) and a girl in Dirndl Tracht (probably his sister). He was Kikanier der Woche (child of the week) and showed the presenter Juri Tetzlaff how to dance Schuhplattler (first with hat), few minutes, later got interviewed. The girl played accordion. I think they are buckskin Lederhosen. Not sure about the date. Tetzlaff presented during the whole show (2001-2004). Also I don't know their names as I usually capturing screenshots without sound. I like this traditional dance, usually danced by several girls and boys in Tracht and I will later add more Schuhplattler entries. I think there were also choirs in this or similar shows on Kika, so probably also sailor suits, but have to check.
Update: boy is called Sebastian. Aired on November 23, but year is still unknown.He sounds Bavarian.

August 23, 2011

Story 1: Untidy sailor suits

Like on my overalls blog, I also add some more detailed stories of films and other background or historical infos.
I believe, sailor suits should show tidy and clean kids, and parents and society were often strict in the 1930s to 1950s (and earlier).
Pic top left showing a scene of "Heimat - Eine deutsche Chronik" (also color scenes, also Lederhosen, see that entry. The collar of the boy is blowing up in the wind. Looks not so tidy anymore. Hair is short and hats are still on.

Other two pics are from "Die Trapp-Family" (see that entry, which I have updated after seeing it completly, also with Lederhosen).
The white sailor suits look normally very clean and innocent. But the kids are splashing around (youngest girl with a hose) and the other kids are in a wooden box which should be a boat. Pants got wet and dirty. Very good scene. Also splashing at grown ups.
They were also first introduced in those white sailor suits and their father corrects their suits and hairstyles (see pic on main entry).
They have to change into blue sailor suits for supper, pic below (I wonder why, I thought that white sailor suits were better and more festive and also not good for playing.
I also wonder, why so many films featuring as well sailor suits and Lederhosen. Thats very different clothing and also I associate sailor suits with the sea (and northern Germany) and Lederhosen with southern Germany, Bavarian and alpine regions. I will also investigate that further. But both are partly sign of childhood but also parts of historical Tracht and work clothing. (Just like bib overalls). Which have also suspenders like Lederhosen.

Update: A good scene of a boy in a dirty sailor suit in "De witte (1980)" see that entry.
Also very good is "Lord Jeff" (1938, b/w, rating 10) with Mickey Rooney and Freddie Batholomew fighting in a corn field in sailor suits and also showing dressing/undressing collars.