Biography / drama / period film
-Year: 1979
-Year in film: 1902-1905
-Country: Poland, USSR, DDR
-Who in clothing: boys, sailor suits
-Who in clothing 2: other hist. clothing/uniforms
-Available on DVD VHS only ?
-I own: no
-Clothing occurence: very low *
-Rating: 3/10 ?
-Rating: ***
-Comment: At least some boys in different sailor suits (pictured). A young boy in a green sailor suit, and also one or two older boys in long blue sailor suits. Women with typical 1900s umbrellas.
I don't know the complete movie and only checked it at high speed (most parts). I noticed only some few and short scenes (best are pictured). Young boy at a zoo (green suit boy also shown front view), and another older boy at the end marching with a group. It's about the revolutionary Felix Dzerzhinsky. English titles "Identification Marks - None" and "No Special Marks of Identification". Polish Title "Znaków szczególnych brak", Russian title "Особых примет нет".
138 minutes. Other databases say release in 1978.
I don't understand Polish or Russian. For this few quite good sailor suit scenes rating 2-3 for now. No trailers, "only" complete movies.
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