Kids film, CFTF
-Year: 1971
-Year in film: 1970s ?
-Country: UK
-Who in clothing: sailor boys ~11-13 ys
-Who in clothing 2:
-Available on DVD no ?
-I own: no
-Clothing occurence: medium ?
-Rating: 4/10 ?
-Rating: ****
-Comment: Some sailor boys in dark blue sailor suits (pictured). No real sailor collar, but a white scarf, pointed at the backside. White sailor hats. Also some grown-up sailors, not sure if they wear real sailor collars.
Another CFTF movie (56 minutes). I don't know/don't remember this movie. I like movies with young sailors, but sadly no sailor collars here. Starring Bernard Lee, directed by John Davis ("Nighteen -Eighty-Four", "David Copperfield (2000)", rating 10).
Quite interesting, but I have to check this again. No clips and unsure if there's an DVD.
Rating 4-5 for now only.
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