Family film
-Year: 1988
-Year in film: 1980s
-Country: East Germany
-Who in clothing: Bastian ~ 6 ys ?, Lederhosen
-Who in clothing 2:
-Available on DVD no
-I own: no
-Clothing occurence: low ?
-Rating: 4/10 ?
-Rating: ****
-Comment: At least one young boy in I think brown buckskin Lederhosen (without suspenders), probably André Lohrmann (pictured), also wearing yellow rubber boots. Also some older boys in jeans and other pants.
I don't remember this complete movie, but I think rather few Lederhosen scenes. I'm even not sure if that are real Lederhosen. But he's very young anyway. I think I have seen it (or the plot about rescuing a horse of slaughtering).
Typical and quite good later East German children's film. But could be better. Directed by Karola Hattop who also did some later famous (and much better) movies and seres like Prinz & Bottel, Tierärztin Dr. Mertens, Wer küßt schon einen Leguan? and Wie verliebt man seinen Vater?
I have to check this again later the next broadcasting. No clips on YouTube and I think not available on either DVD or VHS.
Rating 3-4 for now (for Lederhosen scenes), the movie maybe rating 5.
Again: Please, it doesn't make sense to announce what movie is on which hosting website. I don't link to complete movies as this are copyright violations and you know that they often get deleted very soon and that this would be a risk for this blog, too. This is just an information database. So please stop that. Thanks.