Romance starring Whoopi Goldberg
-Year: 1994
-Year in film: ~1955
-Country: USA
-Who in clothing: Molly ~9, sailor dress
-Who in clothing 2: boy sailor jumper, girls overalls
-Available on DVD yes
-I own: yes, TV recording
-Clothing occurence: low
-Rating: 4/10
-Rating: ****
-Comment: Main character Tina Majorino (pictured) in a short blue sailor dress, white short collar, 2 red stripes, red scarf, red beret and a white jacket. Also a boy in a sailor suit looking blue pullover or similar (maybe no collar, at least not shown). Also Majorino and a black girl in different bib overalls (see my other blog).
Molly wears a lot of different clothes. Only one rather short scene at school in this sailor dress. Also in class without the beret. Funny scene as she was hanging at the car not wanting going to school and Woppi Goldberg tearing at her. The movie is quite good, better than thought, but for a film set in the 50s there are too few overalls scenes, however it's quite unusual to wear a sailor dress then. Also starring Courtland Mead (I didn't recognize him, few scenes of boys). I also missed the beginning 5 or 10 minutes.
For sailor suit scenes rating 3-4. Rating even 2 for the overalls. There are better movies.
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