I have added a TOP 5 of most viewed sailor suit entries (alltime) on the right part of this blog as most readers are searching just for Lederhosen. Please note: As there are many clicks on my exclusive pics, I decided to only add the most favourite one. The other TOP 5 is from end of May; my Exclusive pic 4 is currently there on top as well. Also note, that in most films there are more than one actor in sailor suits, sometimes girls or women as well and sometimes even Lederhosen as well.
I will update this TOP 5 pic regularly like the other. And I also added 2 TOP 5 pics on my other blog (boys in overalls only) as many readers clicking for girls.
The announced Heimatfilm "Da lacht Tirol" had not been aired today. I think it will be rescheduled and maybe aired within some few weeks. There is also this movie on July 9th on MDR (early in the morning, but I can't receive that channel at that time, and there's no live stream either).
This is my 500th post on this blog (the other heading 1000). Much more visitors on my other blog, but even more spam on this one.
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