Family film
-Year: 1993
-Year in film: ~1911 ?
-Country: USA
-Who in clothing: Mary 10 yo, sailor dresses
-Who in clothing 2: girl, boys other hist. clothing
-Available on DVD yes
-I own: yes, partly TV recording
-Clothing occurence: very low *
-Rating: 4/10 *
-Rating: ****
-Comment: British Kate Maberly (pictured) in a white dress and jacket with a long white or beige collar and a straw hat. Also in a real blue, white/blue striped sailor dress, blue scarf and also good historical clothing of the 2 boys (Heydon Prowse, in the wheelchair) and Andrew Knott (on the right). Very good brown pants with suspenders and also breeches like. And nightshirts.
She also wears other dresses without that collar. The first picture showing the scene where they first visit the secret garden.
Very good plot and famous novel by Frances Hodgson Burnett. There are also some other films (which I have to check, too) but this version is probably the most famous one and maybe the best.
I have seen this movie several times before, but missed the beginning and end this time and the real sailor dress scenes. So can't say much more about it, especially the collar. I think I only have an incomplete earlier recording, so have to record and check completely the next broadcasting. But it's often aired.
But I assume rather few real good sailor dress scenes. However some very good scenes of Andrew Knott.
For sailor dress scenes rating 4 for now. Good entertaining for someone who watched it for the first time, but I think there are better movies and series. So I wouldn't buy it. Rating 5-6 for the movie itself. Kate Maberly also wears bib overalls 2 years later in "Friendship's Field" (see my other blog, rating 6).
Make sure you haven't missed my pics for Silk Road. And this evening "Meine Kindheit ... in der Großstadt".
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