Heimatfilm, director Luis Trenker
-Year: 1957
-Year in film: 1950s
-Country: Germany
-Who in clothing: boys ~3-11, Lederhosen
-Who in clothing 2: young, old men
-Available on DVD VHS only *
-I own: yes, TV recording
-Clothing occurence: low *
-Rating: 3/10
-Rating: ***
-Comment: Some boys (supporting actors in the background) in buckskin Lederhosen (pictured), mainly shortly after the beginning at a fun fair. Some younger men in Lederhosen with wide green Tyrolean cotton suspenders bowling outside (one even shirtless), some kids watching. Men also dancing, but no Schuhplattler. Also some very young boys, but in the far background, too. And of course some older men in Lederhosen, some sitting in a band. Also later at hunting scenes. Quite unusual a woman in pants (not Marianne Hold).
The first Heimatfilm this week, and it was worse than expected, although directed by famous Luis Trenker. The person on the pic I saw was obviously not a teen boy. (However the one tomorrow will be much better, I hope).
Typical Heimatfilm, quite good landscape scenes, some music, romantic scenes, but few dramatic scenes. Could be much better. Also starring Marianne Hold, Bert Fortell and Mathias Wiemann. Novel by Hans Ernst.
Note on the second pic the boy sitting in the lower right corner and also some on the carrousel. On the pic below there is one kid on the far left (not sure if it's a boy), there are some more boys there, also a blond boy walking to the right, showing briefly their faces only. On the first pic there's also a boy in the middle swing in Lederhosen, but I prefer this scene showing the oldest boy. They swing very high. But no perfect close up scene of boys in Lederhosen.
Released on VHS. I also saw some DVD offers but probably DVD-r. Completely on YouTube anyway.
Rating 2-3.
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