August 28, 2011

Info 8: Google image search by image

Today I tried the Google image "search by image" with the pic above for my unknown Lederhosen film (and others)


(You can drag a pic into the google image search field). No results. And the similar images were only similar in colors. Not even dwarves or animated characters.
I also wasn't aware that the pic would be actually uploaded (where to? and for how long?) So that this pic might be useful and not be forever in Google's nirvana, I put it on this blog. Perhaps someone knows this film. I also tried TinEye. Also interesting that there is no thumbnail in the blog feed (but in my dashboard) and this pic is not on picasa and can't be taken from my post.
I think I have to check my old tape again, this time including sound.

There is the film "Die Heinzelmännchen (1956)" but looks different (small real life people or kids in costumes). Note the caps are blue instead of red. Looks also like a bathtub scene.

Some search keywords that others could find this via Google search:
Wer kennt diesen film? Kinderfilm 1950, 50er Jahre, Heinzelmännchen animiert, teilweise animiert, Kobolde, Zwerge, DEFA film,unbekannter Film, Zeichentrick Heinzelmännchen. Müllmänner, kleiner Junge in Lederhose.

Update: After 3 weeks (or earlier) this image had been deleted (or renamed or transfered somewhere else". So I upload this pic the usual way that someone can identfy this film.

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