Heimatfilm, novel Ludwig Ganghofer, 2nd remake
-Year: 1975
-Year in film: 1900s ?
-Country: Germany
-Who in clothing: Pepperl ~10 ys , other boys shorts
-Who in clothing 2: men, Lederhosen, altar boys
-Available on DVD: VHS only
-I own: no
-Clothing occurence: medium *
-Rating: 3/10 ?
-Rating: ***
-Comment: At least 2 boys barefeet in (longer) shorts with suspenders, maybe buckskin leather, theroef Markus Neumaier as Pepperl, but no real Lederhosen with H-style suspenders known. Also altar boys (white/black clothing) and of course men in Lederhosen with suspenders and Tyrolean hats (pictured).
After the much better 1957 version (rating 8, smooth finish Lederhosen, see that entry), I make this entry for the sake of completion. 60 minutes are on archive.org (described as the 1957 version), but I doubt that this movie is in the Public Domain yet. Starring Robert Hoffmann, Adrian Hoven, Sky Du Mont and Friethjof Vierock. Directed by Alfred Vohrer (Derrick, Winnteou, Der Hexer).
I don't like this version, no good Lederhosen scenes, best are probably the altar boys. However probably a good plot and landscape scenes. I will check this again the next broadcasting.
Rating 2-3 for now.
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