TV history /drama /romance
-Year: 2000
-Year in film: 1916
-Country: UK, USA
-Who in clothing: Sarah ~8 ?, sailor dress
-Who in clothing 2: sailors, William, knickers
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: no
-Clothing occurence: medium ?
-Rating: 3/10 ?
-Rating: ***
-Comment: Eleanor Oakley in a dark blue sailor dress, blue collar 3 stripes (pictured on top) and some sailors in blue sailor suits and others in white suits with completely white collars. Also Archie Davies in a short suit /knickers with long beige stockings. Also of course others in historical clothing/uniforms and hats.
This is about the ship H.M.H.S Britannic which sinked in 1916. Looks quite similar like the Titanic movies it was even a sister ship.
It's completely on YouTube but I didn't had the time to watch it completely. The girl is quite young and I don't know any scenes of her brother or other boys in sailor suit.I'm not sure about their age, mabye 8-9.
Starring Edward Atterton, Amanda Ryan and Jacqueline Bisset. Directed by Brian Trenchard-Smith (BMX Bandits, Leprechaun series).
Rating 3-4 for now. There are probably better movies but could be worse. I will check this the next broadcasting.
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