March 2, 2012

Da wo die Liebe wohnt

Modern Heimatfilm starring Hansi Hinterseer
-Year: 2002
-Year in film: 2000s
-Country: Germany, Austria
-Who in clothing: boys ~11 ys, Lederhosen
-Who in clothing 2
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: yes, TV recording
-Clothing occurence: very low 
-Rating:  1/10      
-Rating: *
-Comment: One boy sitting playing accordion in buckskin Lederhosen (pictured, short scene), maybe 2 even older boys cycling (not sure if really Lederhosen, at least one appears to be black modern pants of synthetic fabric) shortly after that scene cycling and skating inside a building (this castle?), and I think some younger kids in a group outside at a distance (supporting actors) but also unsure if Lederhosen and brief scenes.

Probably the same Heimatfilm series starring Hinterseer like "Da wo das Glück beginnt" (see that entry, rating 6) and at least 2 other films.

But this time very few Lederhosen scenes. In fact no notable scenes, and I even noticed any notable scenes of men in Lederhosen. 
The film itself is also not the best. Also starring Anja Kruse and Karina Thayenthal.

So rating 1-2 only.
Available on DVD. Some short clips on YouTube, but no need to embed them.

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