Drama aka "Chocolate and Soldiers"
-Year: 1938
-Year in film: before 1920s ??
-Country: Japan
-Who in clothing: girl Shigeko 14 yo, sailor dress
-Who in clothing 2:
-Available on DVD: no ?
-I own: no
-Clothing occurence: medium ?
-Rating: 3/10 ?
-Rating: ***
-Comment: At least one teen girl probably Hideko Takamine (1924-2010) in a sailor dress (school uniform / seifuku). Maybe also other actors? Also a young boys, but probably not in sailor suits.
I found this some few months ago during research for the "NHK boy drama series" (rating 5). I still can't find any clips and only this one pic (taken from http://forest-baku.blog.ocn.ne.jp/aozora/2011/01/ ), some more infos at http://toita1214.exblog.jp/17684887/ .
Directed by Takeshi Sato, novel by Masaru Kobayashi. Japanese title "チョコレートと兵隊". I can't say much more about this film. Maybe it is related to the 1908 operetta "The Chocolate Soldier" aka Der tapfere Soldat by Oscar Straus. I first thought of a 1930s WWII related film, but I think the novel is published in the 1920s or earlier. I also can't find much about the author. Mabe it's a propaganda movie.
I also can't find any DVD nor VHS release, but research is hard as I don't know Japanese.
Rating 2 for now, but it's maybe a very good film. I have to check this again later.
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