During research I found this 3 week old sailor suit image blog. Some of the pics are taken from my blog (like this exclusive one pictured) or my albums or further or similar pics from the albums, also some sceenshots. That's OK.
95% of the pics I also have seen on Google before and I wonder why people just reblog pics, that can be found on Google and other blogs or flickr easily by everyone himself. I like pics and I also search the web finding new (free) pics that I can use. Most image blogs are missing any text info, so nobody knows how the actor or movie is called. So I prefer my little database like blogs.
It's also a lot of work and costs me time and money, buying DVDs watching movies, researching, blogging and also buying photos. I hope that people realize that others created or bought these pics.
It's also possible to do a image by image search by drag and drop a pic into the Google image search line and find out the real origin and some more infos. I also doubt that he will find enough good pics at this blogging speed. Most of these blogs are also removed as they use copyrighted pics like stock pics or other questionable pics. But please continue. He has some rebloggers himself, the most on this pic, but few interesting tumblr blogs there. One blog even has a good b&w smooth finish Lederhosen pic which I haven't seen before. Possibly it's another blog of the same person. At least he reuploads and so back up some of the best pics and maybe someone also find my blog and like my pics and infos and maybe I will find some other new pics or blogs. I add him to my link list. No feed as no text.
Update: Link deleted. 4 weeks later the blog had been closed. Faster than thought. (It wasn't me who complained). See info 108.
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