Modern Heimatfilm starring Hansi Hinterseer
-Year: 2004
-Year in film: 2000s
-Country: Germany, Austria
-Who in clothing: boy ~11 ys, Lederhosen ?
-Who in clothing 2: young men, Lederhosen, overalls
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: yes, TV recording
-Clothing occurence: very low *
-Rating: 3/10
-Rating: ***
-Comment: Two herd boys and one wears long beige pants which look like soft buckskin Lederhosen, but might also be cotton and good hats. Just 2 short scenes, also walking, shown from behind.
Some tall young men in good short buckskin Lederhosen with wide green Tyrolean cotton suspenders dancing with women and also alone Schuhplattler. You can even see the white underwear of the young man on the left while jumping. I think they are a bit longer briefs or retro shorts. You can also see the white underskirt of a young woman while dancing and turning around. The Lederhosen are very good, also the Schuhplatter and the yodelling. But also only one longer scene. Some older men in Lederhosen and Hansi Hinterseer in dark blue non-jeans working overalls and another man in blue coveralls.
The movie itself is quite good. Typical modern Heimatfilm, some dramatic scenes, few Lederhosen.
Can be watched again at
For similar movies see
Da wo die Liebe wohnt (2002, rating 1) and
Da wo das Glück beginnt (2006, rating 6)
This rating 2-3. I prefer the classic 1950s Heimatfilms.
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