December 31, 2016

Das fliegende Klassenzimmer (1954)

Family film, novel by Erich Kästner
Year: 1954
Year in film: 1950s ?
Country: Germany
Who in clothing: boy ~13, Lederhosen
Who in clothing 2: shorts, pajamas
Available on DVD: yes
I own: no
Clothing occurrence: very low
Rating:  4/10
Rating: ****
Comment: One older boy (on the right) in buckskin Lederhosen without suspenders and maybe some more boys running downstairs but from a distance and in jackets (looks like with H-style suspenders). Scene at the beginning. Other boys in shorts and pajamas. Unfortunately almost the complete movie is set during the winter.

Also a boy wearing a wig with pigtails (soon on my other blog, rating 8). And nice dorm scenes (soon on my bedroom blog, rating ~7).

Very interesting movie but few Lederhosen scenes. The much more famous 1973 remake still needs to be checked completely. I don't like the 70s and don't remember Lederhosen there. Summer setting and speedos. The setting in the 1933 novel is much earlier. As the plot is timeless, they obviously choose the presence for each movie.

The 2003 movie featuring a boy's choir (Thomanerchor) in sailor suits but is quite poor (rating 2).


Rating 3-4 for the brief Lederhosen scenes. Movie much higher. I almost bought it.

December 28, 2016

On TV: Das Spiel beginnt!

Gaming show
Year: 2015-
Year in film: 2016
Country: Germany
Who in clothing: Lukas 9 Lederhosen
Who in clothing 2: man Lederhosen
Available on DVD: no
I own: yes, partly TV recording
Clothing occurence: medium+
Rating:  5/10
Rating: *****
Comment: South Bavarian (Engelsberg), thin, longhaired 9 yo Lukas in long, dark brown, buckskin Lederhosen with H-style suspenders and Heavy Metal shirt underneath in today's episode 5 (Dec 28, 2016). He's in the kids team along another older boy, also looking like a girl.

He didn't appear in all games but is often shown. Also sitting, sitting in a kart (legs angled), jumping, kneeing on the floor, lying on his stomach and the like. Many scenes from a distance and rather few rear views.

I think, I have seen this boy before in a different show or documentary, some months ago, but not sure if in Lederhosen as well. Who remembers in what show? Complete family likes Heavy Metal.

Very thin and quite young, even younger looking. Also a brief scene of a man in Lederhosen and another vintage young boy on a photo.

Rating 5-6. Available on the zdf mediathek.


December 23, 2016

Unknown 22: Thüringer Sängerknaben ?

Unknown choir, show/concert
Year: 1999 ? 2002 ?
Year in film: 1999 ?
Country: Germany ?
Who in clothing: boys ~10-12 sailor suits
Who in clothing 2:
Available on DVD: no ?
I own: no
Clothing occurrence: often ?
Rating:  9/10 ?
Rating: *********
Comment: Unknown choir boys of an unknown show. I assume that these are the Thüringer Sängerknaben due their clothes and the initials TS on the books.

Maybe recorded in 1999 (or 2002 ?), channel ARD / Das Erste, but could be recorded in around 1990 as well. Maybe a Christmas concert, not sure if also contained other choirs as well. Unfortunatly I only found a very brief clip. Needs to be rechecked for known faces to find out the exact year and maybe show. Can anybody help?

The blue collars have a very high neckline on the front and this often means very long collar flaps on the back. I like that. No dickeys are shown and no scarves. No coat of arms on the shirts, like the Vienna Boys Choir would have. Handsome boys, so rating 8-9.

Some minor updates of my unknown #9 Italian. My VCR is also now running.

Next post in January.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all my readers!

December 18, 2016

Unknown #9 Quand j'étais p'tit ?


I have searched all my backups and writings on my VHS cassettes, but couldn't find much. Some few, mainly French movies. Maybe the only one, what might be the unknown movie pictured, is "Quand j'étais p'tit" (1997).

There are 2 brothers, 11 and 7 yo, but also at least one other boy (Xavier Rothmann). The oldest brother and darkhaired is Cyprien Douais. But both other boys are rather dark blonde. Setting is in 1958 or 1959.

French and 1997 is possible, but I doubt that that is this movie. Maybe someone who knows this movie can say, if it contains the scene pictured. There are some pics on the web, but not with sleeveless shirts.

I'm now sure, that this print is from a photo taken from a TV screen (I found a similar real photo with the black round edges, another unknown movie and year), what could mean, that the movie is older than thought and before I own a VCR, so ~1989 or earlier but probably not much. But I also made some pics of VHS recordings, mainly in 1992 before there are cheap color printers. Maybe I focus on searching for Italian boy actors of the 1980s.


Update: I found the digital scan file of the photo, clearly taken from a TV on an old HD as thumb within an image managing software. Unfortunately the file name just shows "Italian TV". So I wasn't sure about the title then and maybe I just assumed that this was Italian. The file date is in August 1999, probably I bought a color scanner then. So the movie was definitely before. I think, I took the photo in or around 1991, could be earlier but probably not before 1988. I try to find the full size pic or the photo or negative. I think I made 2 or more photos. Unless if there's a date printed on the back, it probably won't give any more details except for a better quality.

Update: Quand j'etait p'tit is a different movie. I uploaded a clip of that in Jan 2025.

Schau in meine Welt!

Kids documentary series
Year: 2012-
Year in film: ~2016
Country: Germany
Who in clothing: boys ~8-15, Lederhosen
Who in clothing 2: man, Lederhosen
Available on DVD: no
I own: no
Clothing occurrence: medium *
Rating:  6/10
Rating: ******
Comment: Some boys, mainly around 13-14 yo learning dancing Schuhplattler in longer, dark brown almost black buckskin Lederhosen. Ep 187 "Ludwig, der Schuhplattler". At least one boy is much younger. Some boys sitting in the background. At least one man (teacher). Girls in tadtitional clothes (dresses) and some in pigtails.

I only have checked briefly this episode. Needs to be rechecked.

Available on the Kika mediathek. Similar documentary series like “Stark! – Kinder erzählen ihre Geschichte”.

Also on my bib overalls blog rating 4 (firefighters boys, girls).

Rating 5-6 for now. At least some older boys and another Schuhplattler entry.

Also soon on my pigtails blog, rating 6.

December 14, 2016

Wenn die tollen Tanten kommen

Comedy film. Rudi Carrell, Ilja Richter
Year: 1970
Year in film: 1970
Country: Germany
Who in clothing: boys ~3+9
Who in clothing 2: men
Available on DVD: yes
I own: yes, partly TV recording
Clothing occurrence: very low
Rating:  6/10
Rating: ******
Comment: 2 boys, around 8 or 9 yo in I think buckskin Lederhosen with H-sytle suspenders (one shirtless), scene pictured at 26 minutes (within Schlefaz much later due to the commentings, around 50 minutes before the end). Also earlier a toddler at the lake in short Lederhosen, being lifted up and also men including Rudi Carrell. Scenes probably filmed in Austria, so most likely local boys.

Typical comedy/musical film of the 70s. Quite funny and nice landscape scenes. But I don't like men wearing wigs and dresses.

There are also 2 sequels and similar movies which still has to be checked.

Not bad, but for the brief scene rating 5-6 only.

December 12, 2016

Whatever Turns You On (1979)


Comedy series YCDTOTV spin-off
Year: 1979
Year in film: 1979
Country: Canada
Who in clothing: boy ~11
Who in clothing 2:
Available on DVD: yes
I own: no
Clothing occurence: very low ?
Rating:  6/10
Rating: ******
Comment: At least this darkhaired boy in a short sailor suit including white shorts, collar and hat. Red stripes and scarf. Pic from episode 1. I don't remember his name. Also undressing scenes, he or another boy shirtless. Not sure about spanking here.

I also have him in update 2 of YCDTOTV also showing the pants. Other boys and girls appearing in the main series "You Can't Do That on Television" including blonde boys and mainly blue collars (rating 8).

Also on my shiny shorts blog (rating 10), bedroom blog rating 8 and bib overalls blog rating 6.

I don't remember all episodes. But the main series is much better. So rating 6-7 only.


December 8, 2016

Pauline à la plage


Teen romance
Year: 1983
Year in film: 1980s
Country: France
Who in clothing: Pauline 15, sailor collar
Who in clothing 2:
Available on DVD: yes
I own: no, partly TV recording
Clothing occurence: very low
Rating:  4/10
Rating: ****
Comment: Amanda Langlet in a white sailor blouse and a dark blue collar with 2 stars on the rear flap, no dickey. Long collar flap. Medium blue jeans bermuda shorts. One very brief scene at the very end only. Also an older teen boy (Simon de La Brosse) shirtless in tight, blue shiny Adidas shorts (Shiny shorts blog rating 6, no pic).

First I thought that this is a boy as I found it on Simon de La Brosse fansite. Finny. But it's the teen girl in typical early 80s short hair.

Typical 80s movie and romance. But quite good for these days. Great Adidas shorts but boy is very old. English title Pauline at the Beach.

Rating 4 for this brief sailor collar scene.

December 4, 2016

Junges Licht

Year: 2016
Year in film: 1961
Country: Germany
Who in clothing: Julian 12, Lederhosen
Who in clothing 2: other boys
Available on DVD: yes
I own: no
Clothing occurrence: very often
Rating:  9/10 ?
Rating: *********
Comment: Finally - Lederhosen! Oscar Brose in short and tight buckskin Lederhosen with H-style suspenders, also sitting and also cycling. Also some few other boys in Lederhosen, mainly or only without suspenders. At least one in tight, smooth finish Lederhosen. However most boys at school don't wear Lederhosen but cotton shorts. There's also at least one brief spanking scene by a woman (mom ?) while standing but he runs away. Pic from the trailer which is at 14 minutes in the movie.

I found this by coincidence on Google, searching for something completely different. I don't know the complete movie yet and hope for a soon broadcasting. Set in Dortmund. Novel by Ralf Rothmann.

Rating 9-10 for now. Just released on DVD and BD. I think, I can wait some weeks or few months for a broadcasting (or upload).

Update: Almost completely checked. Unfortunately few others and no smooth finished Lederhosen. But almost rating 10. Some scenes are in b&w but are very good, either.


December 3, 2016

Mazhe bez mustatzi

Family series, 6x 60 minutes
Year: 1989
Year in film: 1945
Country: Bulgaria
Who in clothing: boys ~9-11 sailor suits
Who in clothing 2: girls ~9-11 sailor dress
Available on DVD: no ?
I own: no
Clothing occurrence: low
Rating:  7/10
Rating: *******
Comment: Some boys and girls in white and dark sailor suits / sailor dresses. Very long dark blue collars. 3 white stripes. No dickeys and no scarves. Some girls in white collars, rectangled at front.

Obviously few and brief scenes. Mainly of interest, the 4 boys pictured. Both pics from episode 4. One boy in ep. 6.

I only have checked this series at high speed. Finally some very good and long collars.

For the few scenes, rating 6-7 only. Original title: Мъже без мустаци. English title: Men Without Moustache.

Also other historical clothes and scenes at school. But I haven't noticed sailor suits in there.

Probably, there are many more East European movies. I also have updated some few infos about my unknown movie (still not found).

December 1, 2016

Unknown #9 - pic found


I couldn't find something for my shiny shorts blog neither on my hard disks nor on backup discs, so I searched my prints for that, and by coincidence found a tiny pic of my unknown Italian movie. No more pics (yet) and nothing more shown.

It's the boy on the right dropping down his pants.

It proves, that I have (or had) at least some parts of the movie. One problem is, that my VHS recorder is defective. Another is, that I often deleted major parts of movies and sometimes haven't written the title.

As I have a print, I must have a digital pic and maybe a clip as well. But I haven't found it, although I often search them. I have some cheap DVDr and CDr that can't be read anymore. And it's also possible that I have deleted it (the clip on HD or VHS) unintentionally.

So, I try to recheck all my backups and notes on my VHS cassettes for any hints but that will take a while. Maybe I have to buy a VHS player. Or maybe someone recognizes the pic.


Update: I searched 3 of my older hard discs. I found almost everything except this one. I think this screenshot was made in 1998 and maybe printed in or after sept 1998. Definitely not older than 2003. But that doesn't mean much. The movie is most likely older, I still think (aired) around 1992, maybe made a bit earlier. Haircuts don't look like the 70s or early 80s. Although short hair and sleeveless white shirts are rather timeless. The setting however could be earlier but I don't think so. The stairs are outside and there's a very high stone wall just behind them. I don't think that's part of a house, rather a cliff.

I also wonder, why I don't have more and better pics. It's possible, that this is just a scan from a magazine (probably not from the web). That could mean, I don't have clips or other pics. There's a red dot on the hair and a black curves below, what could mean, that this is a photo taken from a TV screen. Nevertheless, I must have a digital source of this and continue searching my archives.

November 27, 2016

Update: The Seven Little Foys


Next to an 8 yo girl, I also found this very young boy in a rare, light brown sailor suit including matching (angled) collar (2 white stripes) and scarf. Very brief scene set in around 1913 or maybe some years earlier.

Still rating 6 for the movie (but much fewer for the sailor suits).

Quite good and funny movie. Also with some other historical clothes, but rather few good scenes.

Also on my bib overalls blog (13 yo getting spanked, and 2 younger boys), rating 6 as well.

Main entry


November 24, 2016

Die Lindstedts

Family series 7x 60 minutes
Year: 1976
Year in film: 1970s
Country: East Germany
Who in clothing: boys ~5, 8 Lederhosen
Who in clothing 2:
Available on DVD: yes
I own: no
Clothing occurence: low ?
Rating:  6/10 ??
Rating: ******
Comment: At least 3 boys in rare short Lederhosen. H-style suspenders. One is regular buckskin. One is black or other dark color (5 yo), one is beige or other light color, maybe even yellow? Can't say as the series is b&w.

Another very interesting, even better East German Lederhosen series. Set on a farm in the 1970s. 3 generations under one roof.

No scenes of interest in the trailer. Some large pics are here

Rating 5-6 for now. Kids are quite young. Maybe more scenes of interest? One girl in shortalls (or Lederhosen) or similar.

November 22, 2016

Zweite Liebe - ehrenamtlich

Year: 1977
Year in film: 1970s
Country: East Germany
Who in clothing: boy ~8 Lederhosen ?
Who in clothing 2: sports clothes
Available on DVD: yes
I own: no
Clothing occurence: low
Rating:  3/10 ?
Rating: ***
Comment: I think at least one young boy in Lederhosen or other pants in H-style suspenders, maybe nappa leather? Probably rather few scenes. Also boys and girls in sports clothes (short shorts, mainly dark blue and also red) and also swimming scenes (shirtless boy, probably in speedos).

Sorry, currently no pics.

Few scenes, young kids. So rating 3 for now only. There are better movies.

I hope for a soon broadcasting. 72 minutes. Starring Gojko Mitic.

Update: Briefly checked. Probably few/very few scenes near the beginning only (pic at 10 minutes). Lots of PE scenes.

November 17, 2016

La prima Angélica

Drama. Carlos Saura.
Year: 1974
Year in film: 1936 ?
Country: Spain
Who in clothing: Angelica 12?
Who in clothing 2: boys ~8-11
Available on DVD: yes
I own: no
Clothing occurrence: low+
Rating:  6/10
Rating: ******
Comment: First a girl with very long and dark pigtails, probably María Clara Fernández de Loaysa in a short, dark blue sailor dress. Dark blue collar. 3 thin stripes. Long collar flap. She opened up the ribbon of the scarf and showing her bra in front of an old man. Pigtail blog rating 5. Also partly plaiting the braid (by her mom ?) is shown. Most scenes are flashback scenes set in 1936.

And some few boys at the end at 1h28 in sailor suits. At least 3 boys in white sailor collars. Also note the boy in a completetly white collar on pic 1 behind the other boy. Most collars are short.

Very interesting and controversial movie. I almost haven't seen the boys and found the girl in the sailor dress after posting it on my other blog.

Not bad, but unfortunatley few good scenes of the boys. And in the classroom it's very dark. Later when eating it's not dark, but few scenes and mainly from a distance.

Rating 6-7.

November 16, 2016

Awantura o Basie (1995)


Family film , mini series
Year: 1995, 1997
Year in film: 1930s ?
Country: Poland
Who in clothing: girls ~14-17 ?, sailor dresses
Who in clothing 2: men sailor suits
Available on DVD: yes ?
I own: no
Clothing occurence: medium-
Rating:  2/10 ?
Rating: **
Comment: Several older girls / teen girls in dark blue sailor-like dresses or school uniforms. Rectangled collar, very short collar flaps on the rear. Also later some few sailors in long white suits (blue collar).

I haven't seen the complete movie/series. This is a remake, also made into a 1997 series. English title: Argument About Basia. Originat title: Awantura o Basię.

The 1959 b&w movie obviously has one or more younger girls in real white collars. Probably even much better, but I have to check this one. I think there are also boys! At least one in a dark (blue) short suit. (Coming soon).

1936 novel by Kornel Makuszynski (Kornel Makuszyński). I also have 2 other movies based on his novels, also set in the 1930s (rating up to 4 f/m).

I don't know of any boys in here.

So rating 2 only for these older girls in short collars.

November 11, 2016

Update 3: Unknown #9 – La Storia (1986)


I have now checked this mini series completetly, but it's not the movie with the stairs I hoped for. (Or I have missed that scene but that is very unlikely). The stairs are very similar.

In fact only one or 2 very brief scenes of interest. One teen boy swimming shirtless in tighty whiteys (front view only, starting at 44 minutes on disc 3). And 6 yo Usepping peeing in his pants. Some scenes at school in school uniforms. Stripes on the sleeves but no sailor suits. Even no interesting scenes of men in uniforms. 1 hour is set 6 years earlier.

Image quality is partly a bit poor (grainy, running stripes, maybe although perhaps remastered) but disc 3 is OK.

So the search continues.


Update 2: You Can’t Do That on Television

I have recently checked some episode for my overalls blog (nothing new found) but some boys in sailor suits.

Pic 1 is from a YouTube clip called "The Worst of You Can't Do That on Television". Not sure if this is one of the 2 official "Worst of", or just a personal one. So not sure about the episode title. A boy (I don't remember his name) in a short white sailor suit, including short, white pants and a white collar (what is quite rare). Red scarf and stripes. Also he or another boy shirtless undressing.

Pic 2 showing another boy (I think Amyas Godfrey) in a white sailor suit but with a blue collar as "Today's Child" in ep 111 Adoption (1987). Both no dickeys. Pic 2 long neckline at the front so obviously a very long collar flap.



Please also note that "La pietra di Marco Polo" (unknown 11 with the shirtless boy) is now finally on DVD.

Please also note my new shiny shorts blog.

Historical clothes partly also on my new pigtails blog.

November 4, 2016

Update 2: Unknown #9 - La Storia (1986)


I'm still not sure if I mix up 2 (or 3) different movies, but soon we'll know for sure, as I've ordered the DVD "La Storia (1986)" aka History (directed by Luigi Comencini). Probably Italian language only and no subtitles?

I found the German phrase "zu den Schwulen ?" said by Useppe (pictured) in the novel online and it's at least one movie, I've seen these days and (also) looking for. And watching some of the pics showing the teen boys, it's very good possible, that it also includes the described stone stairs scene (maybe for 70 %) although I don't remember a 1940s setting.

After a long break I've continued checking all Italian movies backwards in the Italian database, (now at 1976) and still no luck. (No much other new movies of interest either). Can't be earlier than aired/made in the mid 60s as the movie is definitely in color. Unfortunately fewer and fewer descriptions of the movies. The 3rd movie I'm thinking of, is most likely earlier and French, with mainly washy green landscapes.

Quite expensive. Will take around 2 weeks to receive, then more infos.

Anyway an interesting movie. And at least historical clothes.


November 3, 2016

Update 2: Chiquititas Brasil (1997)


Some more sailor suit scenes later in this series.

Pic 1 from video# 510 (season 4) showing a girl in a white sailor dress, dark blue skirt and splitted blue collar, what is quite rare. On the right a boy in a dark blue shirt, white, obviously long pants and white collar. One thick stripe on each.

Pic 2 same actors sitting in video # 511.

Main entry, rating 4


October 28, 2016

Update: Chiquititas Brasil (1997)


Another boy and girl in sailor clothes. Both pics from season 2.

Pic 1 showing a handsome boy in a white sailor suit and white collar (2 blue stripes). Dark short pants. Video # 297.

Pic 2 showing a girl in a white sailor dress in video # 222. Both have white sailor caps and a very long collar flap.

Previously rated 3 now 4. Video # are obviously not the episode #. Season 2 starts in episode 200. Some clips are missing or are very short.


October 23, 2016

Update: Our Gang

After finding boys (and girls) in pigtails (and pulling pigtails) and some more boys wearing bib overalls and also Western scenes and interesting bedroom scenes, I also found some more sailor suit scenes and even spanking scenes. So something for all my 5 blogs.

Pic 1 showing twins Charles and Raymond (Ray) DeBriac as Scrappy and Sissy in white sailor suits including white collars and rather short dark pants in the movie "Every Man For Himself (1924)". Unfortunately the image quality of this early film is quite bad, but there are also some close-ups.

Pic 2 is from "Shrimps For a Day" (1934) I think it's Spanky. Dark blue, regular sailor collar, 3 stripes. I think also colorized.

There's a spanking scenes of a boy in a night shirt by a man (dad ?) over his lap in "When the Wind Blows (1930)". The nightshirt is lifted up but that's not directly shown.

Unfortunately most kids are very young. Also of course more historic clothes and costumes (for more infos and pics visit my overalls blog). Some episodes were also colorized.










October 21, 2016

Szalenstwa panny Ewy


Romance movie/series
Year: 1985
Year in film: 1932
Country: Poland
Who in clothing: Ewa ~15, sailor dress ?
Who in clothing 2: boy sailor suit
Available on DVD: yes ?
I own: no
Clothing occurence: low
Rating:  3/10
Rating: ***
Comment: I think this is Dorota Grzelak in a white sailor dress, a red hat and her white collar flap flying up (one thick blue stripe at the edge) in the air. Scenes at the end of the movie (1h23). Also earlier in braided pigtails, pic 3 (Pigtail blog rating 5).

Also at least one little boy in a sailor suit (pic 3 on the right in grey), but very briefly shown. Not sure if the kid in the dark blue suit is a boy but is very likely. Also at least one other little girl in a light blue sailor dress (light blue collar) and maybe some other supporting actors (including women?) in the middle of the movie.

Novel by Kornel Makuszynski. Previously made as a 3 part TV series produced in 1983. English title: Follies of Miss Eva.

Too few boys, too few scenes and I don't like the teen girl. Pigtails would be better on the sailor collor.

Rating 3 only.


October 16, 2016

Update: Toni Goldwascher

Searching for my new pigtail blog, I have briefly rechecked this DVD.

The movie is still very good and there are more boys in Lederhosen than I remembered. Tight Lederhosen and barefoot.

Most boys are quite young and I still prefer Florian Schlegl (pic 1, middle, red shirt) in his smooth finished Lederhosen.

Also some other good scenes like Toni in underwear (looks too modern for the 1950s).

The movie is quite unusual. I have to watch it again completetly. I think I prefer real Heimatfilms.

Main entry, still rating 9 at


October 10, 2016

Szatan z siódmej klasy (2006)


Family film
Year: 2006
Year in film: 1937 ?
Country: Poland
Who in clothing: boys ~6+9, sailor suits
Who in clothing 2: hist clothes
Available on DVD: yes ?
I own: yes
Clothing occurence: low ?
Rating:  4/10 ?
Rating: ****
Comment: At least two boys in white sailor suits and collars. The younger one in short dark blue pants, the older one in longer white pants and a white collar with one thick blue stripe only.

I found this and some other Polish movies by searching for pigtail movies for my new blog (this one also soon there, rating 5). I only found few scenes of interest, scenes pictured are at the end of the movie. Also sitting inside at a table.

English title: The Devil from Seventh Grade. 1937 novel "Satan from the Seventh Grade" by Kornel Makuszynski.

There's also a 1960 b&w movie which needs to be checked but I don't assume anything of interest there. And some stage plays with women in sailor dresses.

Few scenes, young boys, so rating 3-4 only although I like white sailor suits and collars.

October 6, 2016

Info 226: Picasa albums


Like on my other blogs, I have updated the dead links of my Picasa albums, now on Google Photos / Google+. The blogroll is on the right coloumn.

PD and CC albums, partly my exclusive photos (mainly sailor suits CDV), some postcards and webfinds of sailor suits and Lederhosen.

The most important album including my exclusive pics at

Pic 2 Trachten-Gaufest Bad Reichenhall 2009 by Markus Spring (springm at flickr) cc-by-sa-nc-nd.

Pic 3 Sea cadets by Richard Gough. (rgough on flickr) cc-by-sa-nc-nc. Also rear view. Full links on my cc color album.

October 5, 2016

Looking for Miracles


Sullivan film with kids at a camp
Year: 1989
Year in film: 1935
Country: CDN
Who in clothing: boy ~9, sailor suit
Who in clothing 2: boys overalls, underwear
Available on DVD: yes
I own: yes
Clothing occurence: very low *
Rating:  3/10 ?
Rating: ***
Comment: At least this boy in a blue sailor suit, white blouse and cap. Also some boys in bib overalls (overalls blog rating 5 only). Also other boys in historical clothes including pants with suspenders, shorts, loincloths and a short union suit. Good bedroom scenes (rating 7).

Some very good scenes and a handsome boy actor Zachary Bennett. Probably much underrated. Currently, I don't have the time to recheck the complete movie at slow speed. But obviously very few or only one sailor suit scene.

I like the Sullivan movies and series, especially Wind at My Back.

For the sailor suit scene rating 3-4 for now only.

Also note my new 5th blog about pigtails in movies (including boys).

Update: I've started to watch the DVD again. There's a spanking scene (with a stick) at 38 min previously missing this tag.

September 28, 2016

Chiquititas Brasil (1997)


Family series, 5 seasons
Year: 1997-2001
Year in film: ~2000
Country: Brasil
Who in clothing: boys, sailor suit
Who in clothing 2: girls sailor dress
Available on DVD: no ?
I own: no
Clothing occurence: very low ?
Rating:  4/10 ?
Rating: ****
Comment: At least this boy in a dark blue sailor suit with a rather short white collar, one thick blue stripe. Also at least one girl probably in a matching (white) sailor dress or similar. Episode s4e12. Also girls, boys and women in bib overalls (rating 6 for now).

I only noticed this in one episode only, but have only checked some episodes of season 3 and 4.

For more infos see my other blogs. Also on my bedroom blog rating 7.

Rating 3 for now for the sailor suit.

Note, that there are many different Chiquititas series. Also another, later one from Brasil (in better image quality). No other with sailor suits (or Lederhosen) known by now.

Update: Also a boy and girl in white sailor clothes and very long collar flap. Much better. Now rating 4.



September 24, 2016

Auf der Alm, da gibt's ka Sünd' (1950)


Heimatfilm starring Maria Andergast
Year: 1950
Year in film: ~1950 ?
Country: Austria
Who in clothing: boys ~6 ?
Who in clothing 2: men Lederhosen
Available on DVD: VHS, DVD *
I own: no
Clothing occurence: low
Rating:  3/10 ?
Rating: ***
Comment: Some younger boys in H-Style suspenders and probably shorts (not sure about this or other boys in real Lederhosen). Few scenes of kids at the beginning and end, there from a distance. And men in Lederhosen, also dancing.

I found this by coincidence but can't say much more. Alternate title: Auf der Alm da gibt's koa Sünd.

More famous is the 1974 erotic movie with men and women in Lederhosen. But I don't know boys or girls in there.

There are obviously better movies. Rating 2-3 for now only. Available on VHS and RC0 DVD, maybe no official release but DVDr.

September 21, 2016

Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory


Family film starring Gene Wilder
Year: 1971
Year in film: 1970s
Country: USA
Who in clothing: Augustus ~12 Lederhosen or shorts
Who in clothing 2: Violet ~13 sailor dress
Available on DVD: yes
I own: no
Clothing occurence: low ?
Rating:  3/10 ?
Rating: ***
Comment: German Michael Bollner in traditional German clothes, either grey shorts or Lederhosen but not sure about the fabric but probably buckskin Lederhosen. Also 11 yo Mike in yellow beige and other Cowboy clothes (western blog, rating 5). Maybe more kids or men in Lederhosen or traditional clothes at the beginning (scenes set in Germany).

I think, I've seen this movie several years ago and don't remember much of it. I prefer the more famous 2005 remake starring Johnny Depp (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory) which I even own on DVD.

Great story by Roald Dahl. I don't like Gene Wilder but R.I.P.

Needs to be rechecked the next broadcasting.

Rating 3-4 for now only.

Update also a teen girl in a red sailor dress (rating 2-3).


September 17, 2016

Meine Kindheit in der Schule (Unsere Geschichte)

Year: 2012
Year in film: ~1950s ?
Country: Germany
Who in clothing: boys ~6-12, Lederhosen
Who in clothing 2: shorts
Available on DVD no
I own: yes, partly TV recording
Clothing occurrence: medium ?
Rating:  8/10 ?
Rating: ********
Comment: Several boys in Lederhosen, some of buckskin, others of smooth finish or nappa leather, with and without suspenders. Many scenes of course at school also sitting (close-up scenes, smooth finish, but I have not recorded that one). Also boys usually living on ships (but not in sailor suit).

Has been aired today. Unfortunately I missed most of it (beginning and end due to the Oktoberfest, nothing new of that, yet) . Some very good scenes. Setting is from the late 1940s to the 1960s. Some scenes in color but not the best scenes. Probably all pics from the 1950s and are from the middle of this episode.

Maybe some footage scenes are also included in other episodes. Is this also called "Meine Kindheit... in der Schulzeit" ?

I have to recheck it later (not available on the mediathek, maybe soon on YouTube like other episodes).

For other episodes check out the A-Z list ("Meine Kindheit", and "Unsere Geschichte" rating 3-8) . This one rating 7-8.

September 15, 2016

Unknown 17: Schinkenklopfer

I recently found this interesting clip showing boys in longer Lederhosen (H-style suspenders) and other traditional clothes (but not hats) dancing Schuhplattler (Gaudiplattler) and slapping each other on their bottoms. Some girls watching it. Reminds me of St. Florian Sängerknaben in 2011.

I'm not sure if this was being broadcasted (documentary ?) or is just a private recording. Probably a private clip as there's no broadcasting logo (or must be much older).

Perfect introduction to the upcoming Oktoberfest this Saturday.

Rating 6-7.

September 12, 2016

Liebling der Matrosen


Comedy film starring Traudl Stark
Year: 1937
Year in film: 1930s
Country: Austria
Who in clothing: Christl ~7 sailor suit ?
Who in clothing 2:
Available on DVD: no
I own: no
Clothing occurence: medium ?
Rating:  3/10 ?
Rating: ***
Comment: At least 6 or 7 yo child actress Traudl Stark (pictured 1938 in Die kleine Prinzessin, released 1939) in I think a dark blue sailor suit (probably not sailor dress. but maybe other dresses as well), dark blue collar, 3 stripes, striped dickey and white sailor cap. Maybe sailor men as well. I don't know of any boys.

I couldn't find any clips and only very few stock pics and similar. One poster is colorized.

She also starred as tomboy in "Seine Tochter ist der Peter (1936)" and "Peter im Schnee". I only have Seine Tochter ist der Peter (1955) with Sabine Eggerth in Lederhosen (unfortunately no pics as well). Not sure if Traudl wearing Lederhosen, too.

Obviously not on DVD yet. Rating 3 for now only.

Sorry, I'm quite busy and I don't have much other movies to post.

Oktoberfest also coming soon, this Saturday 17th. I haven't found much movies running in this 2 weeks, mainly some newer Heimatfilms, some of them I already have. Also still running Der Bergdoktor.

September 6, 2016

Untel père et fils


War drama
Year: 1943
Year in film: 1889 (sailor suit)
Country: France
Who in clothing: boy ~7 sailor suit
Who in clothing 2: boys, hist. clothes
Available on DVD: yes ?
I own: no
Clothing occurence: low ?
Rating:  3/10 ?
Rating: ***
Comment: At least one young blonde boy in a dark sailor suit. Dark collar and stockings. Very long neckline at the front, short collor flap. 2 thicker white stripes. Not sure about the name. I think it's not Jean Claudio as he was obviously older (*1927). Movie was filmed in 1940 (or 1939). Also other kids in historical clothes. And women in sailor-like dresses.

I didn't had the time to check the complete movie. First sailor suit scene (outside and from a distance) starting at 15 minutes. Scenes at 18 minutes. Movie setting starts in 1871, scenes pictured are set in 1889. At 22 minutes the setting is in 1890. At 25 minutes it's 1900 and the end is set in the presence (1940). English title The Heart of a Nation. Directed by Julien Duvivier ("Anna Karenina", Don Camillo, Poil de carotte (1925) and many more).

Jean Claudio I have on my Alexei Tsarevich and Rasputin list (no pics yet, 1938) and in Les cadets de l'océan (1945, filmed in 1942) as 15 yo (but older looking).

Quite interesting movie, but currently rating 3 for now only.

August 30, 2016

Ein Geheimnis im Dorf - Schwester und Bruder


Modern Heimatfilm starring Max von Thun
Year: 2016
Year in film: 1980s ?, 2010s
Country: Austria
Who in clothing: boys ~6+9, Lederhosen
Who in clothing 2: boy ~11 jeans
Available on DVD: no ?
I own: no, partly TV recording
Clothing occurence: very low ?
Rating:  3/10 ?
Rating: ***
Comment: Has been aired yesterday. Unfortunately I have missed most parts and the complete last 30 minutes. I noticed only one very brief flashback scene (set maybe in the late 70s or 80s) at 12 minutes scene with a young boy in longer buckskin Lederhosen with H-style suspenders (mainly from a distance). Also a 2nd older boy but very briefly (headshot). The younger boy is also being spanked lying on the grass (close-up vies/headshots).

Available on the mediathek but I don't have the time to check the complete movie at slow speed. I will check some scenes from the end, if I have missed anything, please comment.

One older boy (Enzo Gaier), around 11 yo but probably not in Lederhosen but jeans.

Rating 3 for now only. Typical modern Heimatfilm with crime elements.

Also being aired yesterday: Der Mann, der nach Oma kam.

That movie itself was good and funny, but the boy in Lederhosen too young. Rating 3.

August 28, 2016

Unknown 16: Soviet film 70s? = Passazhir s ‘Ekvatora’


Soviet film
Year: 1970
Year in film: 1960s ?
Country: Soviet Union
Who in clothing: boy ~13 sailor suits, girls
Who in clothing 2: shorts, speedos, soviet scarves
Available on DVD: yes
I own: no
Clothing occurence: often
Rating:  7/10
Rating: *******
Comment: At least this older boy (probably more boys) in shorts and a white shirt with blue collar (3 stripes) blue basque cap and a red Soviet scarf. Short sleeves with blue stripes as well.

I found a brief clip but don't know what movie this is from. Most likely a Soviet movie (or maybe from Hungary, CZ or similar). Probably from the (early) 70s. Maybe I even already have an entry. Can someone help here? I'm currently very busy.

Quite interesting. And I like collars flying up. Needs to be rechecked. Maybe this is a TV series? And maybe there are even better scenes and actors?

Rating 5-6 for now.

Thanks Titou! As assumed,  I already had an entry rating 7. 70s and Soviet was right.


August 21, 2016

Update: Platz an der Halde


Not sure, but I think this is from this movie, currently rating 7(-8) only.

Some boys in different Lederhosen. An older, blonde boy or teen boy in short buckskin Lederhosen with H-style suspenders, a younger boy in smooth finish or nappa Lederhosen (probably with suspenders as well). Also some other, young boys in Lederhosen and shorts.

Very interesting, but there are even better movies in Lederhosen. Color would also be better.

Main entry



August 17, 2016

The Chippendiddys

Dancing documentary
Year: 1995
Year in film: 1990s
Country: UK
Who in clothing: Sid ~10, sailor suit
Who in clothing 2: boys, other clothes
Available on DVD: yes
I own: no
Clothing occurrence: low ?
Rating:  6/10 ?
Rating: ******
Comment: At least Sid Smith in a (long) black sailor suit, a very long blue collar and a white cap. The collar seems to be attached onto the jacket.

I found a very brief clip on one of my recordings. I don't know/don't remember the complete movie. Maybe the complete group wearing sailor suits as well? But if so, then probably very few scenes.

I haven't found pics or streaming clips showing that and have to recheck it later, when I have more time. One redhaired boy is very handsome but they are also very thin.

Rating 6 for now for the sailor suit, more for the rest.

August 15, 2016


Music clip
Year: 1983
Year in film: 1983
Country: East Germany
Who in clothing: boys ~7-10 Lederhosen
Who in clothing 2:
Available on DVD: yes
I own: no
Clothing occurrence: low ?
Rating:  7/10 ?
Rating: *******
Comment: At least 6 boys in different short and tight Lederhosen. Maybe the boy in the right in smooth finish Lederhosen (probably not)? And some more (younger) boys in the choir itself I think in smooth finished Lederhosen.

Finally some good Lederhosen! And finally a choir entry (1st of the DDR?) Has been aired yesterday in the show "Damals war's" and I almost forgot this. Brief scene after ~1h15. It shows Herbert Roth and the Rundfunk-Kinderchor Leipzig (now MDR Kinderchor) correct title "Herbert Roth & Rundfunkkinderchor Leipzig: Das Rennsteiglied", mixed choir.
Unknown year, maybe according to his haircut in the 60s or 70s.

The year you have to guess in this episode was the death year of Roth. I haven't heard of him before and my final guess of the year was 1981 (but was wrong).
Maybe is this even taken from a movie or TV special (1976 or 1979 would make sense) about him?  In the 1983 TV show "Von der Wartburg bis zur Saale" was that song "Rennsteig-Lied" shown, also with that choir,
but unknown if it was showing this scene.This is or was available on DVD from harmonika
but I guess the clip was at least recorded earlier.The Rennsteig vinyl LPs were released in the mid 70s, the song is from 1951.

I only found  a clip in bad image quality so I've taken that from the mediathek. Few infos, few good pics and no clips about the early choir.

I think, I can give rating 7-8 for now.

Update: In the 2017 documentary it says that this clip appears in the 1983 show. Had same pic


Girls in Lederhosen, modern stage show:

Bastien Bastienne (1979)

Year: 1979
Year in film: 1916
Country: France
Who in clothing: Bastien, Bastienne 10+12, sailor suits
Who in clothing 2: Boy 13. Boys, other costumes
Available on DVD: no ?
I own: no
Clothing occurrence: often-
Rating:  5/10 ?
Rating: *****
Comment: 2 boys, probably Bastien and Bastienne (13 yo darkhaired Serge Dambrine as 12 yo Bastien and 10 yo blonde Emmanuel Prat, pictured ?) in white collars with 3 white stripes (unpictured, shown on the cover or movie poster) at least one in a long dark blue collar with 3 white stripes and at least one boy with a long plain white collar. There's an older cousin but I don't know if he wears a sailor suit as well.

I only have checked it briefly but obviously there are only few good sailor suit scenes.

So rating 5-6 for now only.

Update: More scenes than assumed. Also interesting light blue stripes sailor suits
