Family film
–Year: 2006
–Year in film: 1937 ?
–Country: Poland
–Who in clothing: boys ~6+9, sailor suits
–Who in clothing 2: hist clothes
–Available on DVD: yes ?
–I own: yes
–Clothing occurence: low ?
–Rating: 4/10 ?
–Rating: ****
–Comment: At least two boys in white sailor suits and collars. The younger one in short dark blue pants, the older one in longer white pants and a white collar with one thick blue stripe only.
I found this and some other Polish movies by searching for pigtail movies for my new blog (this one also soon there, rating 5). I only found few scenes of interest, scenes pictured are at the end of the movie. Also sitting inside at a table.
English title: The Devil from Seventh Grade. 1937 novel "Satan from the Seventh Grade" by Kornel Makuszynski.
There's also a 1960 b&w movie which needs to be checked but I don't assume anything of interest there. And some stage plays with women in sailor dresses.
Few scenes, young boys, so rating 3-4 only although I like white sailor suits and collars.
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