Family film starring Gene Wilder
–Year: 1971
–Year in film: 1970s
–Country: USA
–Who in clothing: Augustus ~12 Lederhosen or shorts
–Who in clothing 2: Violet ~13 sailor dress
–Available on DVD: yes
–I own: no
–Clothing occurence: low ?
–Rating: 3/10 ?
–Rating: ***
–Comment: German Michael Bollner in traditional German clothes, either grey shorts or Lederhosen but not sure about the fabric but probably buckskin Lederhosen. Also 11 yo Mike in yellow beige and other Cowboy clothes (western blog, rating 5). Maybe more kids or men in Lederhosen or traditional clothes at the beginning (scenes set in Germany).
I think, I've seen this movie several years ago and don't remember much of it. I prefer the more famous 2005 remake starring Johnny Depp (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory) which I even own on DVD.
Great story by Roald Dahl. I don't like Gene Wilder but R.I.P.
Needs to be rechecked the next broadcasting.
Rating 3-4 for now only.
Update also a teen girl in a red sailor dress (rating 2-3).
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