Romance movie/series
–Year: 1985
–Year in film: 1932
–Country: Poland
–Who in clothing: Ewa ~15, sailor dress ?
–Who in clothing 2: boy sailor suit
–Available on DVD: yes ?
–I own: no
–Clothing occurence: low
–Rating: 3/10
–Rating: ***
–Comment: I think this is Dorota Grzelak in a white sailor dress, a red hat and her white collar flap flying up (one thick blue stripe at the edge) in the air. Scenes at the end of the movie (1h23). Also earlier in braided pigtails, pic 3 (Pigtail blog rating 5).
Also at least one little boy in a sailor suit (pic 3 on the right in grey), but very briefly shown. Not sure if the kid in the dark blue suit is a boy but is very likely. Also at least one other little girl in a light blue sailor dress (light blue collar) and maybe some other supporting actors (including women?) in the middle of the movie.
Novel by Kornel Makuszynski. Previously made as a 3 part TV series produced in 1983. English title: Follies of Miss Eva.
Too few boys, too few scenes and I don't like the teen girl. Pigtails would be better on the sailor collor.
Rating 3 only.

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