Modern Heimatfilm starring Max von Thun
–Year: 2016
–Year in film: 1980s ?, 2010s
–Country: Austria
–Who in clothing: boys ~6+9, Lederhosen
–Who in clothing 2: boy ~11 jeans
–Available on DVD: no ?
–I own: no, partly TV recording
–Clothing occurence: very low ?
–Rating: 3/10 ?
–Rating: ***
–Comment: Has been aired yesterday. Unfortunately I have missed most parts and the complete last 30 minutes. I noticed only one very brief flashback scene (set maybe in the late 70s or 80s) at 12 minutes scene with a young boy in longer buckskin Lederhosen with H-style suspenders (mainly from a distance). Also a 2nd older boy but very briefly (headshot). The younger boy is also being spanked lying on the grass (close-up vies/headshots).
Available on the mediathek but I don't have the time to check the complete movie at slow speed. I will check some scenes from the end, if I have missed anything, please comment.
One older boy (Enzo Gaier), around 11 yo but probably not in Lederhosen but jeans.
Rating 3 for now only. Typical modern Heimatfilm with crime elements.
Also being aired yesterday: Der Mann, der nach Oma kam.
That movie itself was good and funny, but the boy in Lederhosen too young. Rating 3.
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