August 15, 2016


Music clip
Year: 1983
Year in film: 1983
Country: East Germany
Who in clothing: boys ~7-10 Lederhosen
Who in clothing 2:
Available on DVD: yes
I own: no
Clothing occurrence: low ?
Rating:  7/10 ?
Rating: *******
Comment: At least 6 boys in different short and tight Lederhosen. Maybe the boy in the right in smooth finish Lederhosen (probably not)? And some more (younger) boys in the choir itself I think in smooth finished Lederhosen.

Finally some good Lederhosen! And finally a choir entry (1st of the DDR?) Has been aired yesterday in the show "Damals war's" and I almost forgot this. Brief scene after ~1h15. It shows Herbert Roth and the Rundfunk-Kinderchor Leipzig (now MDR Kinderchor) correct title "Herbert Roth & Rundfunkkinderchor Leipzig: Das Rennsteiglied", mixed choir.
Unknown year, maybe according to his haircut in the 60s or 70s.

The year you have to guess in this episode was the death year of Roth. I haven't heard of him before and my final guess of the year was 1981 (but was wrong).
Maybe is this even taken from a movie or TV special (1976 or 1979 would make sense) about him?  In the 1983 TV show "Von der Wartburg bis zur Saale" was that song "Rennsteig-Lied" shown, also with that choir,
but unknown if it was showing this scene.This is or was available on DVD from harmonika
but I guess the clip was at least recorded earlier.The Rennsteig vinyl LPs were released in the mid 70s, the song is from 1951.

I only found  a clip in bad image quality so I've taken that from the mediathek. Few infos, few good pics and no clips about the early choir.

I think, I can give rating 7-8 for now.

Update: In the 2017 documentary it says that this clip appears in the 1983 show.



  1. Herbert Roth starb im Jahr 1983 (Oktober?)

  2. Tolle Idee! Nicht gewusst. Wundervoll!! Vielen Dank!!!


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