Comedy / musical show series (1948-1967)
-Year: 1966
-Year in film: 1966
-Country: USA
-Who in clothing: women, sailor dress
-Who in clothing 2:
-Available on DVD: yes ?
-I own: no
-Clothing occurence: low ?
-Rating: 2/10 ?
-Rating: **
-Comment: At least some young women in navy/sailor clothing (pictured, and see clip). Long white collars without stripes (others in collars with 2 stars left and right at the backside) and sailor hats. No pants except for dark underwear. Maybe men in (real) sailor suits (in other episodes) as well?
Something completely different in between. Sorry to all who prefer boys in Lederhosen. But maybe someone is interested in this.
I don't know all the episodes and found this by coincidence during research on YouTube. I assume only few sailor dress scenes. Quite interesting sailor's clothing.
But I can't rate higher than 1-2 for now.
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