May 31, 2012

All You Need is Love - Meine Schwiegertochter ist ein Mann

Modern Heimatfilm about gay men
-Year: 2009
-Year in film: 2000s
-Country: Germany
-Who in clothing: Hans ~22 ys, Lederhosen
-Who in clothing 2: young men, Lederhosen, overalls
-Available on DVD not yet ?
-I own: yes, TV recording
-Clothing occurence: low
-Rating:  2/10
-Rating: **
-Comment: One of the gay men (Andreas Helgi Schmidt, pictured with his friend Manuel Witting who he wants to marry) in light brown buckskin Lederhosen. No suspenders. One brief scenes of a photo of Hans as a boy in Lederhosen with suspenders (at 18 minutes). Also other young men in longer black buckskin Lederhosen with suspenders. And 2 men in green and blue working overalls. But only 2 long scenes in Lederhosen, including a fighting scene (outside), this are the first notable scenes at 50 minutes. Some few scenes with young kids, but none in Lederhosen.

Typical gay film but with a rare Heimatfilm setting. Quite entertaining with also some funny scenes. Could be much better, sorry. I also don't like these Lederhosen. Why not tight ones or with suspenders?

Also starring Jenny Elvers-Elbertzhagen, Franziska Traub and Jürgen Tonkel.

Can be watched again at Maybe someone likes it.

Rating 2.

May 30, 2012

Story 37: Exclusive photo #12 named sailor suit boys 1925 D-NL-US-D

And another exclusive pic. This one even has a story and a long journey. And even names and date. I bought this from a salesman in the US and thought that the kids were Americans. It also might look as if they are two different pics, but it's just one.

The kids are called Benno, Oskar, Guido and Hedwig, so most likely Germans. I also have the last name, but no need for writing this. The pic was made on Xmas 1925 in The Hague (written like that in English). And I find the name of the girl on a ship list to Detroit. So I assume that they had emigrated to Michigan where I also bought this pic from. And now the pic is back in Germany. I can't confirm the emigration for sure, it also might be a trip and maybe there are still relatives living. I always wonder why people sell their photos. I also can't say the exact date of emigration as this list is not free on the web. I also can only speculate why they were in The Hague or if they had been living there.

However a very good pic and in  a very good condition. The next exclusive pic is even better.

May 29, 2012

Da wo die Heimat ist

Modern Heimatfilm starring Hansi Hinterseer
-Year: 2004
-Year in film: 2000s
-Country: Germany, Austria
-Who in clothing: boy ~11 ys, Lederhosen ?
-Who in clothing 2: young men, Lederhosen, overalls
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: yes, TV recording
-Clothing occurence: very low *
-Rating:  3/10
-Rating: ***
-Comment: Two herd boys and one wears long beige pants which look like soft buckskin Lederhosen, but might also be cotton and good hats. Just 2 short scenes, also walking, shown from behind.

Some tall young men in good short buckskin Lederhosen with wide green Tyrolean cotton suspenders dancing with women and also alone Schuhplattler. You can even see the white underwear of the young man on the left while jumping. I think they are a bit longer briefs or retro shorts. You can also see the white underskirt of a young woman while dancing and turning around. The Lederhosen are very good, also the Schuhplatter and the yodelling. But also only one longer scene. Some older men in Lederhosen and Hansi Hinterseer in dark blue non-jeans working overalls and another man in blue coveralls.

The movie itself is quite good. Typical modern Heimatfilm, some dramatic scenes, few Lederhosen.

Can be watched again at

For similar movies see

Da wo die Liebe wohnt (2002, rating 1) and

Da wo das Glück beginnt (2006, rating 6)

This rating 2-3. I prefer the classic 1950s Heimatfilms.

May 28, 2012

Story 36: Update Das Ekel (1939)

I now have seen almost the complete movie (starring Hans Moser). Much better than thought. 3 quite long sailor suit scenes, 2 different collars, 3 and 3+2 thicker stripes.

Some interesting and also funny scenes, so also a story entry with this update announcement.

He is eating from a pie with his fingers. Often smiling, no wonder being together with Hans Moser. Before going to a zoo or park, he is being dressed. (Sadly only showing putting on the shoes). He wants his dad buying a balloon for him. A simple balloon, not the stuff of nowadays. And he is happy with that. Some minutes later he let him fly by coincidence and cried but doesn't get a new one. He also isn't allowed to greet his teacher. He should to this the next day twice. Now rating 5-6 instead of 3. Entry (no more new pics, one old one, 1 deleted another old tiny one showing that the sailor suit is short). Comedy film, I think set in the 1920s. Maybe not very realistic behavior, but probably good in thes times of the late 1930s. I wonder how I could miss the spanking scenes and have to check this again.


List 19: Sailor collars with more than 3 stripes

This is a list of movies and series with actors in sailor suits with collars with more than the usual 3 stripes for historical reason. I thought, that there are more, but I will update this list, soon. Maybe I also missed some.

I don't like two stripes or just one, so no need for that list. See also other list entries, like List 12 sailor suit collars (longest, unusual and white collars)

-Beleet parus odinokiy 3+1 thick stripe (rating 6)
-Das Ekel (1939) 3+2 (rating now 5, update coming next)
-J'ai voulu rire comme les autres (4) , rating 10
-Heidi (1937) 4 thick stripes (girl), rating 4
-Die Kinder aus No. 67 (4, girl), rating 6
-Miss Potter (7, girl) rating 5, pictured on top
-The Music Man (1962) rating 9 (not sure if the girl in a white dress has just one thick light blue stripe or 4 or more thinner ones, bad quality on DVD, will recheck)
-My Boy Jack (5), rating 6, pic below
-Novecento (4), rating 8
-Le temps des secrets (4, 3+1), rating 8
-A Friendship in Vienna 4 thin stripes, rating 4 (teen girls)

Info 94: New blog found

During research I found this 3 week old sailor suit image blog. Some of the pics are taken from my blog (like this exclusive one pictured) or my albums or further or similar pics from the albums, also some sceenshots. That's OK.

95% of the pics I also have seen on Google before and I wonder why people just reblog pics, that can be found on Google and other blogs or flickr easily by everyone himself. I like pics and I also search the web finding new (free) pics that I can use.  Most image blogs are missing any text info, so nobody knows how the actor or movie is called. So I prefer my little database like blogs.

It's also a lot of work and costs me time and money, buying DVDs watching movies, researching, blogging and also buying photos. I hope that people realize that others created or bought these pics.

It's also possible to do a image by image search by drag and drop a pic into the Google image search line and find out the real origin and some more infos. I also doubt that he will find enough good pics at this blogging speed. Most of these blogs are also removed as they use copyrighted pics like stock pics or other questionable pics. But please continue. He has some rebloggers himself, the most on this pic, but few interesting tumblr blogs there. One blog even has a good b&w smooth finish Lederhosen pic which I haven't seen before. Possibly it's another blog of the same person. At least he reuploads and so back up some of the best pics and maybe someone also find my blog and like my pics and infos and maybe I will find some other new pics or blogs. I add him to my link list. No feed as no text.

Update: Link deleted. 4 weeks later the blog had been closed. Faster than thought. (It wasn't me who complained). See info 108.

May 27, 2012

Vater Seidl und sein Sohn (1976)

Family series starring Walter Sedlmayr, 6 episodes
-Year: 1976-1979
-Year in film: 1970s ?
-Country: Germany
-Who in clothing: Franzl, Lederhosen
-Who in clothing 2: shorts, jeans
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: no
-Clothing occurrence: low ??
-Rating:  7/10 ?
-Rating: *******
-Comment: At least Stefan Sichlinger maybe 12 yo  in buckskin Lederhosen with suspenders (pictured). Also he in tight jeans (3rd pic, episode 2) and at least one other boy in shorts.

I was very happy to find this interesting looking and quite unusual series with Lederhosen by coincidence during research for something else. First I thought due to the smooth finish suspenders that they are smooth finish or nappa Lederhosen as well and had almost given a 10 rating, but they are buckskin Lederhosen (at least in this first episode). Not sure if he or another actor also in other Lederhosen.

Nevertheless I consider buying this DVD. I have also seen some short scenes of the first two episodes and assume rather few or medium scenes. He also appears much older in the last episodes. I don't like the other fashion, haircut and glasses of the 70s. Also starring Hans Clarin.

There is also a previous 1954 series which I also have to check. At least the dad there in a sailor suit.

I have to check this again, rating 7 for now. No clips to embed. Released on DVD last month. The boy also appeared in a 1978 Ludwig Thoma movie and a 1977 Tatort episode (obviously a hunt setting) but haven't seen any pics yet.

Update I've seen the Ludwig Thoma movie. He wore long pants with simple suspenders.

May 26, 2012

The Clue of the Missing Ape

B&w CFTF family film
-Year: 1953
-Year in film: 1940s ?
-Country: UK
-Who in clothing: Jimmy ~11 yo, sailor suit
-Who in clothing 2:
-Available on DVD: yes ?
-I own: no
-Clothing occurrence: medium ??
-Rating:  7/10 ?
-Rating: *******
-Comment: At least one sailor boy (Roy Savage) ~ 11 ys in a good long dark sailor suit, medium length collar flap and a sailor's hat (pictured).

Looks like a very good family film (like all the others British movies, see also the list on my overalls blog List 14: British CFF/CFTF movies. More movies on both blogs to come.

Sadly I don't know this complete movie, just the offical YouTube trailer of the first 6 minutes. Not sure if this is available on DVD, but I think so, because of the trailer. One might have bought the rights and sell it, maybe on DVD-r. Film aka "Apes on the Rock" and "Gibraltar Adventure", 58 minutes. TCM says release in 1962, but I think this is wrong. Reminds a bit of "Lord Jeff" (rating 10), but obviously fewer kid sailors and shorter collars.

I have to check this again, but I think I like it.

Rating 7 for now. Which means I would buy it. I don't embed clips from official companies.

Update: Now confirmed his name. The setting is obviously not in the 1950s but set in Gibraltar in WWII. 1st prize at Venice Film Festival 1954. (So can't be in 1962 either)

Schloss Einstein - episode 709

German TV series about a boarding school, 15+ seasons
-Year: 1998-
-Year in film: 2011
-Country: Germany
-Who in clothing: Jonny ~13, Lederhosen
-Who in clothing 2:
-Available on DVD: not yet
-I own: yes, TV recordings
-Clothing occurrence: low *
-Rating:  7/10
-Rating: *******
-Comment: Paul Hartmann in longer buckskin Lederhosen with suspenders, also dancing alone Schuhplattler (pictured).

Finally the first real Lederhosen scene with him. One short scene only. But I expect some more scenes in the next episodes. Often the plot is mixed into 3 episodes.

For more infos and another pic see


and the main entry with other boys in Lederhosen


I prefer short Lederhosen and smooth finish Lederhosen. I have to check the next episodes.

Rating now 6-7 (instead of 8).

Rebroadcasting of this episode tomorrow.

May 25, 2012

Die Christel von der Post (1956)

Heimatfilm, based on operetta by Carl Zeller
-Year: 1956
-Year in film: ~1890s
-Country: Germany
-Who in clothing: boys, Lederhosen
-Who in clothing 2: boys overalls, men uniforms
-Available on DVD: VHS only?
-I own: no *
-Clothing occurence: very low ?
-Rating: 2/10 ?
-Rating: **
-Comment: I think at least 2 boys in Lederhosen, at least one with suspenders at the end of the movie (mybe in the background only) and at least 2 boys in (shorter) bib overalls (see my other blog, also rating 2). I only have checked it briefly.

On TV Sunday May 27th (early in the morning on MDR). I can't receive that at this time. It's also at (but probably it's still copyrighted).

Famous operetta "Der Vogelhändler" but loosley based. Romance, comedy film, Heimatfilm starring Hardy Krüger, Paul Hörbiger, Gunther Philipp and Gardy Granass as main character Christel the post mistress.

I have to check this again the next broadcasting I can see,

rating 2-3 for now. I assume rather few good scenes.

Coming next: A very good sailor suit film and a very good and unusual Lederhosen series. I wanted to announce this upcoming broadcasting first. Also on TV: Das Ekel (1939), rating 3+ (before this) and Die Sennerin von St. Kathrein (rating 8).

May 24, 2012


Biography of composer Mahler. BAFTA Award
-Year: 1974
-Year in film: 1890s, 1900s
-Country: UK
-Who in clothing: boy, sailor suit
-Who in clothing 2: men Lederhosen, hist. clothing
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: no
-Clothing occurence: very low ?
-Rating: 4/10 ?
-Rating: ****
-Comment: At least this blond boy with curly hair in a good white sailor suit, light blue collar and a straw hat at the beginning of the movie. I don't know his name, maybe a supporting actor. I also noticed some men in Lederhosen and Tyrolean hats dancing, see trailer (probably not Schuhplattler). Maybe also boys in Lederhosen? Also of course grown-ups in historical clothing.

I don't know/don't remember this movie and have to check it more carefully. I don't had the time yet to watch it completly.

Directed by Ken Russell (1927-2011, "Tommy") and starring Robert Powell as Gustav Mahler and Gary Rich as young Mahler. I assume rather few good scenes. I think I won't like this movie, though this scene looks quite good. I think many flashbacks.

Rating 3-4 for now.

May 23, 2012

Tajemství Ocelového města

Czech Sci-Fi film, novel by Jules Verne
-Year: 1979
-Year in film: ~1900s (as future)
-Country: CZ
-Who in clothing: boys, suits with collar
-Who in clothing 2: other (historical) clothing, costumes, uniforms
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: no
-Clothing occurence: very low ?
-Rating: 3/10 ?
-Rating: ***
-Comment: At least two boys ~ 8 ys in short dark green suits with white collars and straw hats (1st and last pic), also a boy in white satin clothes with a long pointed hat. Also grown-ups in (historical/~1900s or 1910s) clothing and uniforms. The clothes are rather futuristic in the view of the novel.

English title "The Secret of Steel City" based on the 1879 novel "Les Cinq Cents Millions de la Bégum" (The Begum's Fortune). Directed by Ludvík Ráza.

I have only checked this movie at high speed and only noticed this short collar scene. That also somehow reminded me of Fatty Finn (green suit and straw hat) before I made that entry, although completely different.

Although I like Jules Verne and this is an interesting plot, I think I don't like this movie. Looks like more war scenes than Sci-Fi.

And for these short "sailor suit" scenes, rating 3 for now only.

May 22, 2012

On the Town (1949)

Musical film starring Frank Sinatra. 1 Oscar
-Year: 1949
-Year in film: 1940s
-Country: USA
-Who in clothing: men sailor suits
-Who in clothing 2:
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: no
-Clothing occurence: medium ?
-Rating: 3/10 ?
-Rating: ***
-Comment: At least Frank Sinatra, Gene Kelly, Jules Munshin and other sailors in white long sailor suits. Long and completely white collar flaps, white sailors hats and dark blue scarves. Collars are flying up in the wind (pictured).

I don't remember this complete film but this scene looks quite good and I also have to add this here. Looks also quite gay.

I have to check this film completely, maybe there are also other actors in interesting clothes as well. Co-directed by Gene Kelly, music by Leonard Bernstein and Roger Edens.

I hope for a soon TV broadcasting.

Rating 3 for now. Grown up sailors are nothing special in movies, though I like long white collars.

May 21, 2012

Story 35: Exclusive photos #11

The last 2 pics from an earlier lot. 3 of the younger boys of the 1st pic are probably the same as on exclusive pics 5 and 6. The 2nd pic shows the older teen boy from the first pic now also in a sailor suit. The blond boy on the 2nd pic looks a bit older; the boy on the right looks different but is probably on pic 6. Maybe some are relatives, cousins or neighbors.

I can't say much more about these pics. Some of the lot (looking like the first one) are dated 1940.

The 3 young boys have Russian first names but that doesn't mean that they were Russians. The text on some pic's versos are written in German, maybe there were Polish. Looks quite rural. 1940 is also a bit late for sailor suits as they were mainly worn until the early 30s.

This are not my favorite pics, much better pics coming next. One of the old pic of exclusive #6 below. I can't see the teen boy there, maybe it's the 2nd from right.

May 20, 2012

Der Waldbauernbub

TV Heimatfilm. Novel by Peter Rosegger
-Year: 1985
-Year in film: 1850s
-Country: Austria
-Who in clothing: boys, pants w/ suspenders
-Who in clothing 2: other hist. clothes
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: no
-Clothing occurence: medium ?
-Rating: 2/10 ?
-Rating: **
-Comment: At least two boys (Harald Gauster as young Peter Rosegger and another one) in pants with rare "high" H-style suspenders (pictured).

No real Lederhosen, at least I don't know of any actor in Lederhosen.

I don't know/don't remember this movie. I think I wouldn't like it. Peter Rosegger is famous for his autobiography. See also the 1963 b/w movie

Als ich noch der Waldbauernbub war

(rating 4 due to the young age and b/w).

The subtitle of this TV movie is called "Weihnachten in der Waldheimat" and it's the pilot for the 1983 series "Waldheimat" (26 episodes), which I also have to check completely, but don't know of any Lederhosen scenes there, but also the same high suspenders. There is also a teen Peter, but I also don't like that actor and probably not this series. Maybe there are some other interesting historical clothes or some good scenes. However very good plot.

Rating 2 for those "Lederhosen".

Alfons Zitterbacke (1986)

Family TV  mini series, 6 ep.
-Year: 1986
-Year in film: 1980s
-Country: East Germany
-Who in clothing: Alfons 10 ys, Lederhosen
-Who in clothing 2: speedos, girls overalls
-Available on DVD: no
-I own: no, TV recording
-Clothing occurrence: medium ?
-Rating: 6/10
-Rating: ******
-Comment: At least Enrico Lübbe in buckskin Lederhosen without suspenders and 2 zippers (pictured). Also in red speedos and also without clothes (front and back view). Soviet red scarves. And some girls in rare bib overalls yellow with zipper and white shortalls (see my other blog, rating 4).

I thought, that I already had this entry and I know that there is also a related 1966 film (see also that entry, another Alfons in buckskin Lederhosen, rating 7).

Alfons Zitterbacke (1966)

I don't remember this complete series and didn't had the time to watch it completely. Very good family entertainment, famous novel by Gerhard Holtz-Baumert. In contrary to the movie, this series is/was very rare but is now on YouTube. Some good and funny scenes and the clothes were looking rather modern and almost like those in West Germany of the 80s.

I like the plot and this series, though I prefer Heimatfilms, traditional Lederhosen with suspenders and smooth finish Lederhosen.

Rating 6. Not sure if medium or maybe fewer Lederhosen scenes. I also don't remember any other boy in Lederhosen nor spanking scenes.

May 19, 2012

Fatty Finn

Comic based Kid's film
-Year: 1980
-Year in film: 1930s
-Country: Australia
-Who in clothing: Snootle ~10 ys, collar
-Who in clothing 2: other historical clothing
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: yes, TV recording
-Clothing occurrence: low *
-Rating: 5/10 *
-Rating: *****
-Comment: Christopher Norton not in a real sailor suit, but in a good short green suit with a good big white collar, white stockings and a flat straw hat. Looks quite feminine and rich with his curly blond hair and round glasses. Also some other kids in historical clothing, at least 2 boys (including the main character Ben Oxenbould in scout looking clothes with a yellow pointed scarf and also some comic looking clothes /pants with suspenders. Also pirate costumes and also some scenes without clothes (skinny dipping and running, back view only) and also other shirtless scenes.

Not directly sailor suit or Lederhosen related, but some very good historical clothing and other scenes. Probably most of my readers will know this movie. It's one of my favourite movies and one of maybe 3 or 4 movies which I still have completely left on VHS. Since some few years it's available on DVD, but I haven't bought it yet. It's also quite often rebroadcasted, but I haven't seen it completely for some years, so I have to check it more carefully for other interesting clothing scenes.

Also some humiliation scenes but I don't remember real spanking. Funny kissing scene with Snootle.

I have to check this again the next broadcasting. For the movie I would give a rating of at least 9. For the clothing scenes rating 5 for now.

May 18, 2012

So liebt und küsst man in Tirol

Heimatfilm starring Harald Juhnke
-Year: 1961
-Year in film: 1960s
-Country: Germany
-Who in clothing: young men, Lederhosen
-Who in clothing 2: boys *
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: yes, TV recording
-Clothing occurence: very low
-Rating: 2/10
-Rating: **
-Comment: 4 young men in buckskin Lederhosen dancing Schuhplattler (also Watschnplattler, pictured). One short scene near the end of the film while Vivi Bach singing the title song. Also of course some older men. There are some boys in the background in Lederhosen (outside), but the scenes are very bad, in motion and so short, in fact not notable.

Movie (Heimatfilm, musical, romance) itself is quite good. Although famous comedians like Harald Junke and Eddi Arent it's not very funny. Also starring Vivi Bach, Adrian Hoven, Edith Hancke, Beppo Brem, Rudolf Platte and Oskar Sima. Directed by Franz Marischka (1918-2009 he also did some other famous Heimatfilms and Lederhosenfilme).

Due to the few good Lederhosen scenes I can't rate higher than 1-2. But there are poorer movies.

May 17, 2012

Child's Play (1980)


Short fantasy film. Story by Saki
-Year: 1980
-Year in film: 1910s ?
-Country: USA
-Who in clothing: Conrad 10 ys,  sailor suit
-Who in clothing 2: other hist. clothes
-Available on DVD: VHS only
-I own: no
-Clothing occurrence: low
-Rating: 5/10
-Rating: *****
-Comment: Paul Schoeman (pictured) as 10 yo Conrad/Conradin in I think a short white sailor suit, white collar, 3 stripes. Looks like a long collar flap. Also in a nightshirt, other historical clothes with a regular white collar and I think also a uniform and maybe other interesting clothes. And also without clothes.

Short film, 28 minutes, available on VHS "Two From Saki". Based on the short story "Sredni Vashtar" by Saki (Hector Hugh Munro). There are also several other films of that story "Sredni Vashtar (1981) by Andrew Birkin, Oscar nominated and available on The Cement Garden DVD, The Orphan (1979), aka Friday the 13th: The Orphan, Sredni Vastar (1995), Sredni Vashtar (2003), Conrad the Wise (2009) and maybe some more. I have to check all of those films completely, but haven't noticed any other with sailor suit scenes by now.

It seems to be a very interesting plot about a fatally ill boy and his strict aunt and cousin. Not sure if real spanking scenes also. I tried to watch this film, but the only version that is currently still online is password protected. No streaming clips. However I assume rather few good sailor suit scenes here, but I like white sailor suits. I have to check this again later.

Rating 6-7 for now.

Update: I now have seen it completely. As pictured he wears dark blue (shorter) pants, no scarf and no dickey. The collar is of typical medium length and has 2 stars on the edges.

Originally rated 7, now 5(-6) for the sailor suit. Rear view is quite good but I don't like the front.

May 16, 2012

Beau Geste (1926)

Adventure silent film starring Philippe De Lacy
-Year: 1926
-Year in film: 1915 ?
-Country: USA
-Who in clothing: Beau 13 ys,  sailor suit
-Who in clothing 2: boys, girls, sailor suit
-Available on DVD: VHS only
-I own: no
-Clothing occurence: low ?
-Rating: 5/10 ?
-Rating: *****
-Comment: I think 4 boys in blue sailor suits and one girl in a white sailor dress. Maurice Murphy (1913-1978 "Curly Top") as young Beau Geste and Philippe De Lacy (1917-1995) as brother Digby (2nd pic on right).

That's the first Beau Geste movie b/w, but originally also containing Technicolor scenes. Silent film, and quite long for that time 129 minutes (Video only 101 minutes). Completely on YouTube but in bad image quality.

The sailor suit scenes at the water with the paper hats looking very close to the 1939 movie (starring Gary Cooper and Donald O'Conner as younger Beau, see also that entry, rating 7) but I haven't noticed a boy in a white sailor suit. I have also added another pic there. I like De Lacy and these classical child stars, already 2 more entries with him. He even looks similar to Ronald Sinclair (aka Ra Hould).

Sadly the image quality is so bad. Maybe the 1939 version is better. For more see that entry. Some better publicity pics and more infos at

May 15, 2012

An der Donau, wenn der Wein blüht

Heimatfilm starring Hansjörg Felmy
-Year: 1965
-Year in film: 1960s
-Country: Austria, Germany
-Who in clothing: boys ~6-12, Lederhosen
-Who in clothing 2: speedos, pajamas, shorts
-Available on DVD: VHS only
-I own: yes, TV recording
-Clothing occurrence: low
-Rating: 7/10
-Rating: *******
-Comment: Some boys in buckskin Lederhosen (without suspenders), some might only be shorts (cotton). Mainly at the beginning (best scenes, 1st pic on top, definitely Lederhosen, also the frontside is shown briefly but rather bad scenes as he was running, backside is much better anyway). Also kids in speedos at a pool and a boy in pajamas. Main boy actor Gaston Brocksieper (as 7 yo Florian, but looks older) in pajamas and other light blue pants but not in Lederhosen.One more scene of background kids in Lederhosen in front of a ship, but far in the background and also not sure if leather or cotton shorts.

Finally another Lederhosen/Heimatfilm. Maybe not a real Heimatfilm but rather a family film. Announced as comedy Heimatfilm. But not really funny either. I didn't even noticed men in Lederhosen.

Also starring Peter Weck and Ingeborg Schöner. Directed by Géza von Cziffra.

Although rather few Lederhosen scenes and the movie could also be better, I give rating 7, because of the good scenes of older blond boys. Only released on VHS. No clips online.

May 14, 2012

Il conformista

Drama by Bernardo Bertolucci
-Year: 1970
-Year in film: 1917 (sailor suit)
-Country: Italy, F, D
-Who in clothing: boys ~11, sailor suit
-Who in clothing 2: boys,shorts, knickers, other hist. cl.
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: no
-Clothing occurrence: low
-Rating: 6/10 ?
-Rating: ******
-Comment: Pasquale Fortunato as young Marcello in a short blue sailor suit (blue white striped shirt), dark blue collar, 3 stripes, sailor's hat with a pom pom (picture 1 and 3). Also one boy with a white collar and one other with a yellow one but I think short scenes of the others, so no better scenes ecpecially not of the white collar.

Some few but very good flashback scenes with sailor suits. Including some humiliation scenes and some other disturbing pics (boy with a gun). Good scenes at 25 minutes. I only checked this movie at high speed and have to check it again later. Though most of the movie seems to be quite boring and set in the 1930s and 1940s mostly showing grown ups. Starring Jean-Louis Trintignant as grown up Marcello. Novel by Alberto Moravia, English title "The Conformist". Nominated for an Oscar and a Golden Globe. Novecento (1900) is of course much better (rating 8).

For sailor suit scenes rating 6 for now, movie 6-7.

I forgot: At one scene where he is sittig on a bed and leaning against the wall, his collar flap is going up the wall.

May 13, 2012

List 18: Comic, cartoon characters in sailor suit

This is an incomplete list of characters in sailor suit of cartoons or comic films. I have also uploaded some more PD color pics (sailor suits and Lederhosen, 5 in total + cartoons).

-Popeye, his 4 nephews and Bluto

-Donald Duck and maybe some other Duck's

-Stay Puft - The Marshmallow Man (Ghostbusters)

-Sailor Moon

-Donatello and others (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)

Maybe someone is interested in this for cosplay or other reason. I forgot Lederhosen. Maybe I find some later. I also have to check the live-action version of Popeye.

May 12, 2012

The Happiest Millionaire

Disney film starring Fred MacMurray, Oscar nominated
-Year: 1967
-Year in film: 1916, 1917
-Country: USA
-Who in clothing: woman, sailor dress
-Who in clothing 2: boys,shorts, knickers, other hist. cl.
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: no
-Clothing occurence: low ?
-Rating: 4/10 ?
-Rating: ****
-Comment: At least one woman in a sailor dress or at least with a good collar (pictured on right) and lots of others in historical clothing. Also some boys in shorts, interesting white (non sailor) collars and big hats.Maybe even some (supporting) boys and girls in sailor suits ?

Looks like a typical and very good Disney musical / period film. Sadly I don't remember it and have to check it completely. Some better pics of kids at

Based on a true story about a real millionaire. Also starring Eddie Hodges ("The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (1960)"). 164/172 minutes, some versions are shorter. Golden Globe nominaton for Tommy Steele. I hope for a soon broadcasting.

Rating 4-5 for now, because I don't know of really good scenes.

May 11, 2012

Beau Geste (1939)

Adventure film starring Gary Cooper, nominated for 2 Oscars
-Year: 1939
-Year in film: 1915 ?
-Country: USA
-Who in clothing: Beau ~14, sailor suit
-Who in clothing 2: boys, girls, knickers, sailor suit
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: no
-Clothing occurrence: low ?
-Rating: 7/10 ?
-Rating: *******
-Comment: At least 4 boys in sailor suits, 3 in blue (probably the three younger Geste brothers) therof 1 in a short and another one in a short white sailor suit. Also a girl in a white sailor dress. Wearing paper hats. Also good other historical clothing like knickers/breeches (pic below) and white collars with a string tie. Also clothes of the Foreign Legion (men only?)

First I only noticed a clip on YouTube with the other clothes. Then I also saw the sailor suits which are very good. The boy in white has an unusual collar, not pointed at front but rather squared, and round glasses. The girl has a white dickey with an anchor printed on it and a low-cut neckline.

I don't know the complete movie yet but will check or even buy it. Though I assume rather few sailor suit scenes in flashback scenes with the young Beau Geste (Donald O'Conner (1925-2003), "Singin' In the Rain") 1924 novel by P.C. Wren. Also starring Ray Milland and Robert Preston as brothers.

I also have to check the other Beau Geste films, I've already seen a sailor suit in the 1926 version. And there are also later films/series.

Rating 7-8 for now.

May 10, 2012

Story 34: Exclusive photo #10 Hamburg school class. 1910s ?

My first big class photo. I like it very much showing different sailor suits. And it even wasn't expensive like most others I considered buying.

It was taken in Hamburg, Germany. Sadly I don't know in what year. I assume because of the clothing, the teacher and the shiny, partly fading silver layer that it was maybe created in the 1910s or maybe 1920s.

Interesting faces and some are even smiling. The 2 on the right with the matching sailor suits might be brothers and doesn't look poor. The boy next to him with the suspenders also looks similar. The boy on the far left seems to have different big ears. Not all wearing sailor suits, I thought of more in Hamburg. Photographer: H.N. Wendt & Sohn, Hamburger Str. 64.

May 9, 2012


Mystery film, director Robert Sigl
-Year: 1989
-Year in film: ~1900
-Country: Germany, Hungary
-Who in clothing: boys ~11s, sailor suit
-Who in clothing 2: knickers, crossdressing
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: yes, TV recording
-Clothing occurrence: medium
-Rating: 7/10
-Rating: *******
-Comment: Two or maybe 3 boys including French-Hungarian Barnabás Tóth (with glasses) in short blue sailor suits, blue collar, 3 stripes (pictured). No scarves but bow ties. Also a crossdressing scene (girl Laurin with a moustache, 3rd pic, but not in a sailor suit/dress), also a boy dressing on a sailor suit (briefly shown) and 2 scenes with sailor suits without people, also one with blood.

Medium sailor suit scenes, mostly in the second half of the movie.

Weird horror/drama/mystery movie (Bavarian Film Award). English title:"Laurin: A Journey Into Death". Rural and very dark setting. Good school scenes and girls with pigtails. Some humiliating scenes but I don't remember real spanking. Very interesting movie, but for sailor suit scenes "only" rating 6-7. Not a real horror film and collars are rather short and dark. I think I wouldn't buy the DVD, although I usually would at rating 7. At least not for sailor suit scenes. There are a lot of other good movies, although probably nothing similar.

May 8, 2012

Der Mädchenkrieg

Drama, novel by Manfred Bieler
-Year: 1977
-Year in film: 1936
-Country: Germany
-Who in clothing: young woman ~20s, sailor dress
-Who in clothing 2: German uniforms?
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: no
-Clothing occurence: low ?
-Rating: 2/10 ?
-Rating: **
-Comment: At least one young woman in a long white sailor dress, blue collar, white stripe(s), pictured on right. Probably also others in historic clothing, but I can't say if also (teen) boys. Most likely men in German 1930s uniforms/breeches. Maybe even Lederhosen.

Sorry, I don't remember this complete movie. Directed by Alf Brustellin ("Bekenntnisse des Hochstaplers Felix Krull" and Bernard Sinkel ("Väter und Söhne - Eine deutsche Tragödie", rating 9). The plot is about 3 German sisters who moved to Prague, set during 1936 and 1945. There is also a blind brother Heinrich (at least in the novel), no idea how old, maybe of similar age. Romantic and dramatic scenes. OCIC and other Awards. Starring Adelheid Arndt, Kaki Hunter, Antonia Reininghaus (1954-2006) as sisters, Matthias Habich and others. English title:"Maiden's War".

I can't say much more about the movie and have to check it again later. There are some clips on the web uploaded by the director (but no better clothing scenes there).

Rating 2-3 for now. I also assume rather few sailor dress scenes. Better movie coming next.

May 7, 2012

Deux ans de vacances

Adventure mini series, 4 episodes, novel: Jules Verne
-Year: 1974
-Year in film: 1895
-Country: Germany, France & others
-Who in clothing: teen boy, men, sailor suit
-Who in clothing 2:
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: no
-Clothing occurence: medium *
-Rating: 4/10 ?
-Rating: ****
-Comment: At least one dark haired teen boy in a probably long, dark blue sailor suit, dark blue collar, 3 stripes. Some better pics at

Also some young men (sailors) in different sailor suit, white and blue collars (pictured). Also other interesting actors, mostly grown ups in historical clothing. Shirtless scenes and Robinson like island scenes.

Famous series, 340 minutes, German title: Zwei Jahre Ferien. Starring 20 or 21 yo Marc Di Napoli ("The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (1968)"), Gerd Duwner and many others. Quite good maritime setting and of course a famous novel by Jules Verne, but somehow I never liked this series. The teen boys are quite old and I assume very few (good) sailor suit scenes. I also don't like Di Napoli in Tom Sawyer.

I have to check this again and hope for a soon broadcasting.

Rating 3-4 for now.

May 6, 2012

Chocolate to heitai


Drama aka "Chocolate and Soldiers"
-Year: 1938
-Year in film: before 1920s ??
-Country: Japan
-Who in clothing: girl Shigeko 14 yo, sailor dress
-Who in clothing 2:
-Available on DVD: no ?
-I own: no
-Clothing occurence: medium ?
-Rating: 3/10 ?
-Rating: ***
-Comment: At least one teen girl probably Hideko Takamine (1924-2010) in a sailor dress (school uniform / seifuku). Maybe also other actors? Also a young boys, but probably not in sailor suits.

I found this some few months ago during research for the "NHK boy drama series" (rating 5). I still can't find any clips and only this one pic (taken from ), some more infos at .

Directed by Takeshi Sato, novel by Masaru Kobayashi. Japanese title "チョコレートと兵隊". I can't say much more about this film. Maybe it is related to the 1908 operetta "The Chocolate Soldier" aka Der tapfere Soldat by Oscar Straus. I first thought of a 1930s  WWII related film, but I think the novel is published in the 1920s or earlier. I also can't find much about the author. Mabe it's a propaganda movie.

I also can't find any DVD nor VHS release, but research is hard as I don't know Japanese.

Rating 2 for now, but it's maybe a very good film. I have to check this again later.

May 5, 2012

Das Wunder von Merching

Modern Heimatfilm
-Year: 2012
-Year in film: 2010s ?
-Country: Germany
-Who in clothing: Leonard ~17 ys, Lederhosen
-Who in clothing 2: older men
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: yes, TV recording
-Clothing occurence: low
-Rating: 2/10
-Rating: **
-Comment: Klaus Steinbacher (pictured) in longer buckskin Lederhosen. I only noticed him in Lederhosen in one short scene at the end of the movie. Also a big hat.

Typical modern Heimatfilm. Very few Lederhosen scenes, and no younger kids in Lederhosen, though quite unusual for an older teen boy in Lederhosen. He looks nearly grown up here. The movie itself could also be much better. Klaus Steinbacher also starred in "Wer früher stirbt, ist länger tot" and series "Fluch des Falken".

Starring Jule Ronstedt, Fred Stillkrauth and Michael A. Grimm. Rebroadcasting on Tuesday, May 8th.

Rating 2. No clips on YouTube.

May 4, 2012

Liebesgrüße aus der Lederhose 2: Zwei Kumpel auf der Alm

German "Lederhosenfilm" softcore, comedy
-Year: 1974
-Year in film: 1970s
-Country: Germany
-Who in clothing: young men, Lederhosen
-Who in clothing 2: older men
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: no
-Clothing occurence: medium ?
-Rating: 2/10 ?
-Rating: **
-Comment: Old men in Lederhosen and also some or at least one quite young man in short traditional buckskin Lederhosen (pictured). It's also possible that there are some kids in Lederhosen. I remember kids in those kind of films but can't say in what film and if in Lederhosen as well.

This is one of the real so called Lederhosenfilme of the 70s. Some also featuring young women in Lederhosen with suspenders (see list entry). I don't remember this complete film and found this some time ago and want to add it here as well.

Starring Peter Steiner, Elfie Pertramer and others. Part 2 in the series of at least 6. Aka "Laß jucken, Kumpel 4 - Zwei Kumpel auf der Alm" and "Zwei Kumpel auf der Alm - Liebesgrüße aus der Lederhose II. Teil". English title "Loving Greetings From the Lederhosen 2". Series written by Hans-Henning Claer (1931-2002) who also starred.

I have to check this again and can't say much more about the Lederhosen scenes. Maybe also spanking or Schuhplatter or smooth finish Lederhosen in some of these. Quite funny nowadays. Good scene and I also like the hat. But can't rate more than 2 for now.

May 3, 2012

The Treasure Seekers (1996)

TV family adventure film, novel by E. Nesbit
-Year: 1996
-Year in film: 1890s
-Country: UK
-Who in clothing: Albert-next-door  ~10 ys, sailor suit
-Who in clothing 2: boys knickers, pants w. suspenders
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: no
-Clothing occurrence: medium ?
-Rating: 8/10 ?
-Rating: ********
-Comment: Alexander Harding in a rare light green, long sailor suit, very light colored green long collar, 3 white stripes (pictured). Also 3 or 4 other (older) boys in medium long pants and knickers, partly with suspenders. Some wearing caps.

I don't know/don't remember this complete film, but it looks very good. 1899 novel by famous Edith Nesbit (1858-1924, "The Railway Children", see also the 1970 movie here, rating 6 with a teen boy and girl in sailor suits). There are 3 releated earlier TV series (1953, 1961, 1982), which I also have to check. Family approved film (Dove Foundation), directed by Juliet May, starring Camilla Power, Felicity Jones, Nicholas Farrell and James Wilby. Some book and audio book editions also showing interesting clothes and the sailor suit. The 1899 book edition also has some illustrations , but no real sailor suits. At one illustration a boy is caught by the collar (but not sailor collar)

The Treasure Seekers (Wikisource)

The French title is called "Le jardin des secrets" which reminds of "The Secret Garden" Another very good British story and films. No sailor suit scenes in the clip.

I have to check this film again. Rating 7-8 for now. I like those rare sailor suits and good adventures. But maybe could be better. I also like regular blue sailor collars.

May 2, 2012

Gewitter im Mai (1987)

Heimatfilm, novel by Ludwig Ganghofer
-Year: 1987
-Year in film: 1900
-Country: Germany, Austria
-Who in clothing: boy ~9 ys, Lederhosen
-Who in clothing 2: boy, men sailor suit
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: yes, TV recording
-Clothing occurence: very low
-Rating: 2/10
-Rating: **
-Comment: A young boy barefeet in buckskin Lederhosen with H-style suspenders (pictured). Only this very short scene. One even younger boy in pants with suspenders and some other boys, mostly in long black, maybe cotton pants. Some sailors at the beginning and end, also a brief scene with a boy in sailor suit. Nothing more is shown. Some young men have long collar flaps. One collar (medium length) is shown at close up, but the man is much older (gray hair). Also some altar boys (red/white clothing).

This is a remake from 1919 and 1938 ("Storms in May"). Novel by famous Ludwig Ganghofer. I saw this yesterday on TV. The movie itself is quite good and is set around 1900. Good and typical alpine setting, but extremely few Lederhosen and few (good) sailor suit scenes. Though kids are often shown. Could be worse. Available on DVD. No clips on YouTube. English title "Thunderstorm in May".

I can't rate higher than 2. Movie would be 4-5.