Drama starring Werner Asam
-Year: 1991
-Year in film: ~1918
-Country: Germany
-Who in clothing: altar boys ~9-11 yo
-Who in clothing 2: hist. clothing
-Available on DVD: no
-I own: yes, partly TV recording
-Clothing occurence: low *
-Rating: 4/10
-Rating: ****
-Comment: At least these two altar boys in a white gown (black collar). Of course others in historical clothing. I don't know of any other/better scenes. Probably no boys in Lederhosen/sailor suits.
This TV movie (120 minutes) had been aired some weeks ago and maybe I forget the beginning. But I don't expect much more. Set mainly after WWI, but according to IMDb also in the 1900s. Maybe some flashbacks or else at the beginning. Novel by Georg Lohmeier. It's not a real Heimatfilm but has rural or even alpine setting.
Not sailot suits but good clothing of the altar boys with rare black collars (at a funeral). In most Heimatfilms collars are red or purple and often there's a wedding at the end. Not available on either DVD or VHS and no clips. Also starring Mona Freiberg, Hans Schuler and Gundi Ellert.
Rating 4-5. I will check this again the next broadcasting.
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