–Year: 1992
–Year in film: 1950s
–Country: YU
–Who in clothing: Zoran 10, Lederhosen
–Who in clothing 2: shorts, red scarves
–Available on DVD: yes
–I own: no
–Clothing occurence: medium
–Rating: 3/10
–Rating: ***
–Comment: At least Dimitrije Vojnov in Lederhosen with H-style suspenders and Tyrolean hat. Not sure if the pants are really of (buckskin) leather. They are quite long and big. Also kids in red soviet scarves. Silver Seashell Award. Scene at around 55 minutes.
Finally another Lederhosen movie. And even with a chubby boy and even with a Tyroleoan hat, although not a German/Austrian movie.
Chubby boys in Lederhosen are quite rare. I mainly think of Harry Kratz ("Die Sennerin von St. Kathrein" rating 8, "Der Wilderer vom Silberwald"). I like chubby boys, but somehow I don't like this movie. It's not a Heimatfilm.
Several scenes with him. But often with a jacket and also in other longer shorts.
Rating 3-4 only. English title: Tito and Me. 118 minutes.
Early seasons of "Der Bergdoktor" are currently being aired.
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