Musical film
–Year: 1961
–Year in film: 1960s ?
–Country: Greece
–Who in clothing: Aliki ~27, sailor suit
–Who in clothing 2: men sailor suits
–Available on DVD: yes
–I own: no
–Clothing occurence: often
–Rating: 3/10
–Rating: ***
–Comment: Aliki Vougiouklaki and several young sailor men in long white sailor suits and typical long, dark blue collars, 3 white stripes. White sailor caps.
I found this by coincidence and only have checked it at high speed. The woman is quite tomboyish. And the men aren't anything special. Obviously a typical comedy and musical film. There are many similar US movies, also with women.
Rating 2-3. I prefer younger actors but currently running out of them. (Please make suggestions). Greek title: Η Αλίκη στο ναυτικό. English title: Alice in the Navy.
Nice bunk beds but no need for making an entry on my bedroom blog.
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