Drama comedy film
–Year: 1945
–Year in film: 1942 ?
–Country: France
–Who in clothing: men ~15-20, sailor suits
–Who in clothing 2: men shorts
–Available on DVD: yes
–I own: no
–Clothing occurence: often ?
–Rating: 3/10
–Rating: ***
–Comment: Many (around 100) young sailor men and older teen boys in black and also in white, long sailor suits. Long blue collars but white at the front what is quite rare. Clean black or white striped dickeys / striped shirts. Dark sailor caps. Setting is a naval training ship for "teens".
Also starring 15 yo Jean Claudio who appeared as Alexei Tsarevich in "La tragédie impériale" (1938), aka Rasputin (1938). I still haven't found pics of him proving that he wore a sailor suit as Alexei.
Also scenes of the young men in striped shirts and shorts.
I haven't seen the complete movie. And I prefer younger boys in sailor suits. Most men seem to be older, around 20 and I haven't found the younger teens. The movies about Russian naval schools showing younger boys. Blog search term "naval schools"
So rating 2-3 for now only.
Directed by Jean Dréville. Filmed in 1942 but released in 1945.
Jean Claudio also starred as teen in Untel père et fils (filmed in 1940) rating 3.

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