Drama by Ann Turner
–Year: 1989
–Year in film: 1950s
–Country: Australia
–Who in clothing: Celia ~9 sailor dress
–Who in clothing 2: boys, knickers
–Available on DVD: yes
–I own: no
–Clothing occurence: low+ ?
–Rating: 6/10 ?
–Rating: ******
–Comment: At least this blonde, pigtailed girl (Rebecca Smart) in a long, light blue sailor dress with a white sailor collar and scarf. 3 medium blue stripes. Other boys and girls in medium blue shirts and mainly grey and beige shorts or knickers, but I think without sailor collar but regular white and light blue collars.
Also a spanking scene of the girl.
Alternate title: Celia: Child of Terror.
Interesting and weird movie. Handsome, blonde kids.
Rating 5-6 for now for the sailor dress. I think rather few sailor dress scenes.
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