The Oktoberfest starting tomorrow. First documentaries at 10 h on BR3.
Like last year, obviously fewer and fewer good movies and shows.
A show on Saturday "Dirndl! Fertig! Los!" with maybe women in Lederhosen? At least men.
On Sunday, as usual at 10h, the Trachten- und Schützenumzug (with at least men and boys in Lederhosen). Also a show on BR3 at 20.15h.
Some more documentaries which I don't know like
Unter unserem Himmel (Sunday)
Wiesn-Schmankerl unter der Bavaria (Monday)
Lederhose to go (Tuesday).
Hubertusjagd (1959) starring 5 yo Sascha Hehn on Tuesday (pictured)
Maybe more next week?
Update: "Dirndl! Fertig! Los!" had some young boys ~6-9 yo in longer Lederhosen doing Fingerhakeln. After around 1 hour. I think no women.
The Trachten- und Schützenumzug had very handsome boys directly at the beginning but wearing other, long traditional clothes.
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