January 26, 2012

Bärenburger Schnurre

B&w DEFA family film
-Year: 1957
-Year in film: 1950s ?
-Country: East Germany
-Who in clothing: boys ~10 Lederhosen ?
-Who in clothing 2: harlequin costume
-Available on DVD: no
-I own: no
-Clothing occurence: medium ?
-Rating:  4/10 ? 
-Rating: ****
-Comment: At least one or more boys in pants with and without suspenders, not sure if buckskin Lederhosen or cotton pants.

A rare movie. I haven't found any clips nor other pics, nor DVD nor VHS releases. Directed by Ralf Kirsten, novel by Hermann Werner Kubsch.
Aka "Hans Eulenspiegel, English title "The Baerenburg Farce". Russian tite "Беренбургские россказни".

Can someone please read that title on this movie poster and write it at a comment. Pozna..ü or Pozna..ii  .. Bärenburg. I can't identify that language, is that Czech? Looks like a diacritic charater. The word must be something meaning like "stories"


I can't say much more. Looks quite interesting. I hope for a soon broadcasting. Though the boys look quite young.

Starring Paul Heidemann, Axel Dietrich and Erika Dunkelmann.
Rating 4 for now.

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