July 25, 2024

Schule - früher und heute


Educational short film, documentary 29 min
Year: 2015 ?
Year in film: 2010s/1900s ?
Country: Germany
Who in clothing: boys ~10 ? Lederhosen
Who in clothing 2
Available on DVD: yes 
I own: no
Clothing occurrence: low-       
Rating:  3/10 ?    
Rating: ***
Comment: Some few boys in Lederhosen with H-style suspenders. Mainly or only longer buckskin Lederhosen. I think few (good) scenes.

During research for AV-Medien (for my School TV blog) I found this DVD and an official trailer on YouTube. Publisher AV-Film. The DVD is 29 minutes+bonus but the scene about 19th century school is just 6 minutes. So probably very few scenes of interest. Probably mainly these headshots.  At the beginning outside also one rear view (briefly).

Rating ~3 for now.

During re-check now, I found a much better movie with at least a boy in smooth finished Lederhosen from Auth-Film called "Als Urgroßmutter ein Mädchen war - Kindheit früher - Teil 2". I haven't seen it yet but looks very interesting. Coming soon.

Update: I had an entry and pic rating 5 of Als Urgroßmutter... Not sure about part 2 looks better than 5 to me. Must be in Feb 2018. Obviously there are still many 2018 and 2019 posts missing. Not sure if I re-posted some later or just ratings 7 and up. I will check that (will take some time). But all movies are on the A-Z list.

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