Lederhosen documentary. 2 parts
–Year: 2015
–Year in film: 1930s, 60s
–Country: Germany
–Who in clothing: boys ~7-12 Lederhosen
–Who in clothing 2: men, women Lederhosen, traditional clothes
–Available on DVD: no ?
–I own: no.partly TV recording
–Clothing occurence: medium *
–Rating: 4/10
–Rating: ****
–Comment: Some boys in short and long Lederhosen (with and without H-style suspender) and even women in short Lederhosen. Also of course men in Lederhosen. Also other traditional clothes 1880s-1970s. One brief b&w clip of boys doing Watschnplattler.
I mentioned it before but missed it and yesterday I have seen the last 30 minutes of part 2. Interesting history of the Dirndl and Lederhosen. The tradition of wearing Lederhosen (for everyone and always in Bavaria) isn't that old, just started in around 1888.
Part one doesn't show good Lederhosen scenes (or I missed them). All pics from part 2 which is about the political influence. Pic 1 is from the intro of both.
Most scenes are taken from short b&w footage Super 8 films, partly from personal collections. All pics here from moving images. There are also some photos shown. Few boys and scenes of the 1930s most other boys wearing uniforms, most scenes of course of the 1950s and 1960s but in total rather few scenes.
Rating 4-5.
Available on the ARD mediathek.

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