Documentary series East Germany
-Year: 1999-
-Year in film: 1960s ?
-Country: (East) Germany
-Who in clothing: boys ~8 Lederhosen
-Who in clothing 2:
-Available on DVD: no
-I own: no
-Clothing occurence: low
-Rating: 3/10
-Rating: ***
-Comment: At least one or 2 boys in short Lederhosen with suspenders.
There is a short clip on YouTube called Wortschatz DDR: Milchgeldkassierer.
I don't know the exact title of this episode, according to the logo it's more likely from the series "Barbarossa - Das Geschichtsmagazin" (2007-2011). The time is also unclear. Looks like the 60s but could also be the 70s or even later.
Brief scene.
So rating 3-4 only.
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