Family fantasy film
–Year: 1959
–Year in film: 1950s
–Country: Mexico
–Who in clothing: boy ~6 Lederhosen
–Who in clothing 2:
–Available on DVD: yes
–I own: yes, TV recording
–Clothing occurence: low
–Rating: 2/10
–Rating: **
–Comment: At least one young blonde boy (as German ?) in a green traditional suit including Lederhosen (maybe buckskin or maybe cotton shorts ?) and pointed hat. Several kids including girls of other nations are shown but mainly from a distance. Also on my Western blog (Mexicans and Cowboys, rating 2 as well).
Has been aired before Christmas in the Schlefaz movie series.
All kids are very young. And very few or only one in Lederhosen.
So rating 1-2 only. For more infos and one more pic of this boy, see my other blog.
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