January 26, 2017

Update: Neues aus Uhlenbusch


Next to some boys in Lederhosen, also at least this young girl in short and tight Lederhosen with H-style suspenders in ep 21.

I still haven't checked the complete series, yet. Most boys are very young anyway. Interesting series, though.

Also new on my shiny shorts blog (older boys, Adidas rating 6).

And also an update on my bib overalls blog rating now 5 instead of 4 (boys also cycling, girl, woman). Soon on my bedroom blog.

Main entry here, currently rating 3 (probably needs upgrading) at


I also found another unknown Italian or Spanish movie, coming soon.


  1. war eine fabelhafte Serie und als ich zum ersten Mal in deutschland war, in 1982, habe ich das Dorf auch wirklich besucht.

  2. Hi. Danke für die Info! Ich dachte, das wär ein fiktives Dorf. Ja, gute Serie für die Zeit. Hauptsächlich natürlich durch Hans-Peter Korff.


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