January 30, 2017

Unknown 24: Spanish movie ? Set 1880s ?

Unknown movie or series Visperas (1987)
Year: 1990s ? 1987
Year in film: 1880s ?~1900s
Country: Spain ? Italy ?
Who in clothing: boys ~ 11, hist clothes
Who in clothing 2: night shirt
Available on DVD: yes ?
I own: no, partly TV recording
Clothing occurrence: medium
Rating:  4/10 ?
Rating: ****
Comment: Some few boys and girls in historical 19th century clothes.

I found a short, untitled clip, around 10 minutes on a VHS. Maybe this is even my unknown Italian movie? Most notably a scene with a boy in a short night shirt undressing it and lying partly with his back on the bed. His name sounds like Mikelellio, Michelellio. Michele Elio. Mikkel Elio Mikhel Elio Michael Elliot? Aired between 1992 (and 1994) Kabelkanal (Germany).

Setting is very early, around 1880 (horse carriage, rifle) but not a Western. Origin maybe Spain or Mexico (or Argentina or else) or Italian? Elio is an Italian name. Also Michele.

There's somehow not a real plot. Just a potrait of their lives. Strong lady. Wartime? Rich and poor?

Does anybody know this movie or series?

Update: Found. Series Visperas (1987) set in Andalusia, Spain. 6 ep. Pic from ep 1. I found my recoding and understood some names like Doña Gabriela, by coincidence also the title of ep 1.

January 27, 2017

Ernesto (1979)


Gay drama by Salvatore Samperi
Year: 1979
Year in film: 1911
Country: Italy, Spain, D
Who in clothing: boy ~ 10 sailor suit
Who in clothing 2: (teen) girls, sailor dresses
Available on DVD: yes
I own: no
Clothing occurence: low-
Rating:  3/10
Rating: ***
Comment: One boy in a dark blue sailor suit, blue collar (very brief scene at 11 minutes), a teen girl, probably German Lara Wendel pic 1, who also played a 15 yo twin brother in a rare, light blue sailor suit and matching collar, and some younger girls at the end in sailor-style dresses.

In search for my unknown movie, I found this interesting sounding movie by checking all Italian movies on IMDb. Directed by Salvatore Samperi, who did several movies of this kind, I already have checked ("Malizia", "Nenè (1977)", rating 4 and did other masterpieces like "Cuore di mamma").

Finding some pics that should be in this movie, I was almost sure, I have found my unknown movie. But pics are from other, much later movies like "Conducta" and "Infancia clandestina".

I have seen this movie even completely at regular speed. But it is rather poor. A 17 yo teen boy and an older man in the first half and later the 13 or 14 yo teen girl as 15 yo boy.

Few good sailor suit scenes. (But good plot for these days).

Rating 3 only.


January 26, 2017

Update: Neues aus Uhlenbusch


Next to some boys in Lederhosen, also at least this young girl in short and tight Lederhosen with H-style suspenders in ep 21.

I still haven't checked the complete series, yet. Most boys are very young anyway. Interesting series, though.

Also new on my shiny shorts blog (older boys, Adidas rating 6).

And also an update on my bib overalls blog rating now 5 instead of 4 (boys also cycling, girl, woman). Soon on my bedroom blog.

Main entry here, currently rating 3 (probably needs upgrading) at


I also found another unknown Italian or Spanish movie, coming soon.

January 24, 2017

Unknown 23 French, update unknown 9 Italian

After knowing that the pic derived from a scan of a photo, I have checked onced more parts of my backups and now found the original digital file (pic 1). Date Aug 1999 was correct (for the digital scan), movie broadcast and production probably around 1991 or even earlier back to the 80s. I still haven't found anything else but I still have to check many tapes. At least the image quality is much better now. I have checked several movies (see this list).

I also found these 2 pics of my "greenish French movie" (probably a different movie ?). Snapshots taken in 2003. No clips found yet.

I also found another unknown French movie with a boy in bib overalls (unknown 9 on my overalls blog, maybe someone can help there). Also previously another unknown movie on my shiny shorts blog (unknown 8, white shorts sitting, rating 9). Probably I can find this on my tapes. 2 other unknown movies there have been identified (complete IMDb check and Google search).

Please comment if you know any of the movies or actors or assumptions.

Update: film 23 is the rare TV movie Jean le Bleu (1979). I have uploaded a clip to youtube, linked here.


January 20, 2017

Marinai senza stelle


Year: 1948
Year in film: 1943 ?
Country: Italy
Who in clothing: boys ~9-12?, sailor suit
Who in clothing 2:
Available on DVD: yes
I own: no
Clothing occurence: medium-
Rating:  3/10
Rating: ***
Comment: Many young boys on a ship, around 100, in long, white sailor suits and white collars, 2 stripes. Plain white dickeys and caps. Some with long collars.

Some interesting scenes, touching the collar (as secret sign), climbing up a pole and one younger boy lost his pants after one loosened his belt (bare rear view).

There are better movies. Although the plot is quite rare for an Italian movie. IMDb rating 8.0. And the image quality at least on YouTube is quite poor. Not sure about the DVDs.

So rating 3-4 only.


January 17, 2017

Das Sacher. In bester Gesellschaft


Biography in 2 parts
Year: 2016
Year in film: 1890s
Country: Austria, Germany
Who in clothing: girl, woman sailor dress
Who in clothing 2: boys hist. clothes
Available on DVD: yes
I own: yes, partly TV recording
Clothing occurence: very low
Rating:  3/10
Rating: ***
Comment: A young girl and a woman in sailor dresses in yesterday's part 1. Some few boys in historical clothes including these 2 barefooted poor boys. Also rich boys in suits but I think not sailor suits and very briefly shown in the streets in the background. Maybe more in part 2 (on Wednesday, set some years later)?

Pic 1 is at 1h02, pic 2 at 1h05.

The woman in a long, medium blue dress including blue collar. The girl in a quite rare medium brown dress with an angled beige collar, 2 stripes and matching dickey. Both brief scenes as well. Kids aren't often shown, except for one poor working girl (not in sailor dress).

The movie itself is often very boring. I don't like at all Josefine Preuß.

Available on the ZDF mediathek.

Rating 3 for now only.

Update: Part 2 is even worse. I haven't noticed any in sailor suits or dresses. But might have missed some scenes. Another young boy in an usual suit.

January 15, 2017

Santa Claus (1959)


Family fantasy film
Year: 1959
Year in film: 1950s
Country: Mexico
Who in clothing: boy ~6 Lederhosen
Who in clothing 2:
Available on DVD: yes
I own: yes, TV recording
Clothing occurence: low
Rating:  2/10
Rating: **
Comment: At least one young blonde boy (as German ?) in a green traditional suit including Lederhosen (maybe buckskin or maybe cotton shorts ?) and pointed hat. Several kids including girls of other nations are shown but mainly from a distance. Also on my Western blog (Mexicans and Cowboys, rating 2 as well).

Has been aired before Christmas in the Schlefaz movie series.

All kids are very young. And very few or only one in Lederhosen.

So rating 1-2 only. For more infos and one more pic of this boy, see my other blog.


January 12, 2017

Musiques en Fête

Annual musical show
Year: 2011-
Year in film: 2015
Country: France
Who in clothing: boys ~9-15 sailor suits
Who in clothing 2: girls sailor suits
Available on DVD: yes ?
I own: no
Clothing occurrence: medium+ ?
Rating:  6/10 ?
Rating: ******
Comment: There are (at least) 2 mixed choirs, la Maîtrise des Bouches-du-Rhône (I think the left choir, pictured, with boys and girls including teens, wearing long sailor suits, white blouses and dickey, white, long collars (3 black stripes) and long black pants and scarves.I think girls also wearing long black pants. Pics from the 2015 show.

The choir on the right half, next to them (la Maîtrise de l’Opéra Grand Avignon ?) don't wear sailor suits but regular white shirts.

By coincidence I found this on YouTube. Clip called: TRENET - Y'a de la joie - Musiques en fête.

I like very long white collars. But prefer movies and blue collars.

Rating 5-6.

January 9, 2017

Il prete bello

Year: 1989
Year in film: 1930s
Country: Italy, France
Who in clothing: boys ~11 sailor suit
Who in clothing 2: girl ~ 11 sailor dress?
Available on DVD: VHS only
I own: no
Clothing occurrence: low+
Rating:  5/10
Rating: *****
Comment: One or 2 boys in a short, dark blue sailor suit, wide white collar, 2 stripes, blue striped dickey and long white stockings, also another kid, I think a girl in the same styled sailor dress (pic 2). Also a smaller boy in a dark (black ?) suit and a lace collar (pic 3 on the left). Some other boys and girls in (festive) clothes (shorts and knickers), also sitting. One girl in a dress with H-style suspenders. Few scenes of sailor suits near the beginning only. Later mainly shorts.

Next to US TV movies for my shiny shorts blog (I even found one of my unknown movies, rating 9), I started to search again for Italian TV movies for my unknown movie here.

Interesting movie (novel by Goffredo Parise) and some scenes and actors ressembles my unknown movie.

For sailor suits rating 5-6 only.

January 6, 2017

Von der Wartburg bis zur Saale (Update: Rennsteiglied)


Musical TV show. Herbert Roth
Year: 1983
Year in film: 1983
Country: East Germany
Who in clothing: boys ~7-10 Lederhosen
Who in clothing 2:
Available on DVD: yes
I own: no
Clothing occurence: low ?
Rating:  7/10 ?
Rating: *******
Comment: At least 6 boys of the Rundfunk-Kinderchor Leipzig (now MDR Kinderchor) in different short and tight, probably buckskin Lederhosen. 2 zippers, no suspenders.

I had an entry before, but wasn't sure about the name of the show and the exact year.

Yesterday on MDR in the 2017 / 2016 documentary for or after his 90th birthday, "Damals war's - Legenden: Herbert Roth" (available on the MDR mediathek, near the end, previoulsy also Roth as boy in a sailor suit, b&w pic), I understood that this clip was indeed in this 1983, his last TV show.

Unfortunately only some few seconds of this clip were shown. There are at least 6 instead of 3 boys and the dark Lederhosen on the right are probably not of smooth finished leather.

There is a DVD available (at harmonica) but I think there are no more scenes of them in the other 11 songs (at least not credited on the prepedia). The website of his daughter Karin Roth (Suhl) is defunct now, but available on archive.org.

But this choir probably appeared in other shows as well, I think including younger boys in smooth finished Lederhosen. Unfortunately very few infos and almost no pics/clips on the web.


January 5, 2017

André Rieu - Christmas Around the World


Christmas concert
Year: 1994 ??
Year in film: 1994 ?
Country: NL/D ?
Who in clothing: boys ~4+9 sailor suit
Who in clothing 2: girls ~5-17 sailor dress
Available on DVD: yes
I own: yes, partly TV recording
Clothing occurence: medium
Rating:  2/10
Rating: **
Comment: Many girls and teen girls and obviosly just 2 young boys in medium blue sailor suits/sailor dresses in this choir, the "Little Angles of Nagasaki".  German subtitle of the show "Weihnachten rund um die Welt". DVD release in 2005. Recording should be in 1994 (?).

Boys in short shorts, girls in short skirts. Pointed, white collars, one blue stripe, white scarves and blue bow ties.

Has been aired on Christmas 2016. Several songs of them. The audience was laughing due to their German and English accents but also gave standing ovations.

2 boys and one is even very young (unpictured). I also don't like the suits,

So rating 1-2 only. A much better choir coming soon.

January 3, 2017

Uomini & donne, amori & bugie

Drama starring Ornella Muti
Year: 2003
Year in film: 1962-(1969)
Country: Italy
Who in clothing: boys ~6, 12 Lederhosen
Who in clothing 2: girls ~8, 11 Lederhosen
Available on DVD: yes
I own: no
Clothing occurrence: medium-
Rating:  8/10 ?
Rating: ********
Comment: At least 2 girls and 3 boys in light grey buckskin Lederhosen with H-style suspenders. Rating 8 for now. I almost ordered this DVD but am still unsure. Searching for Italian movies, I found this lesser known movie by coincidence.

First, there are 5 kids (Vittorio, Nina, Veronica, Marco and Francesco) including 1 toddler boy (not in these Lederhosen). The oldest boy is played by Walter Conciatore ("Incompreso (2002)") uncredited on IMDb (again a shame). Then from left: Luca Lombardi, then his sister Giulia Lombardi as Veronica (looks like a boy although a long ponytail, also in shortalls, both perfect blue eyes) and pigtailed Shasa Vitale.

I only found some pics and this backstage clip (w./ sound elsewhere) and pic 2 showing next to Conciatore another same aged boy in Lederhosen, maybe a friend or relative in the movie. If I understood it right, these kids are only shown in the 1st 30 minutes (maybe even less in Lederhosen), but maybe there are some more supporting actors. Later, there are other boy actors like Daniele Lombardi and Denis Laratta (as older kids ?) probably not in Lederhosen.

Nice alpine setting in probably Austria (or Germany). Some scenes reminds me of Sound of Music. Also soon on my bib overalls and pigtails blogs.

Aka:  Uomini, donne, bambini (e cani). English title: Love, Lies, Kids... & Dogs.

Does anybody know this movie and can tell if it's worth buying?

Update: I have found the full movie. Mainly one long scene 26-36 minutes. Rating rather 6-7. 3 more pics


January 2, 2017

Peppermint (1999)

Family film
Year: 1999
Year in film: 1950s ?
Country: Greece, Bulgaria
Who in clothing: boy ~10, sailor suit
Who in clothing 2: girl, woman
Available on DVD: yes ?
I own: no
Clothing occurrence: low
Rating:  5/10 ?
Rating: *****
Comment: At least this boy in a short, white sailor suit with a big blue collar (2 stripes) and a striped dickey. Unfortunately he's not handsome. Brief scene in a train at ~59 minutes. Also a girl around 11 yo in a dark blue sailor dress or similar (dark blue collar) and a woman in light blue sailor-style short swimwear on a beach. And boys in shorts, underwear/sleepwear and shirtless in speedos.

Setting is between 1955-1973, probably this scene is in the 1950s like most of the movie (what is still very late for sailor suits). Nice setting and landscapes.

I only have checked this movie at high speed.

I like big collars. So rating 5. Greek title: Πέπερμιντ.

Also soon on my bedroom blog, rating 4.

January 1, 2017

Der Leihopa

Family series, 26 ep
Year: 1985-1989
Year in film: 1980s
Country: Austria, Germany
Who in clothing: boy ~10, Lederhosen
Who in clothing 2: men
Available on DVD: yes
I own: no
Clothing occurrence: low ?
Rating:  6/10 ?
Rating: ******
Comment: At least one (Austrian ?) boy in short, light grey (or light brown or similar) buckskin Lederhosen, I think with H-style suspenders. Not sure about his name (Florian Meyer ?) Unknown episode. Obviously also men. Also no clothes in a bathtub scene with a younger, blonde brother (other episode, s1e1). At least partly rural setting.

I don't know the complete series, yet. So needs to be rechecked for more scenes and maybe other actors. But I assume few, (good) Lederhosen scenes.

Also soon on my bedroom blog (bunk bed) and pigtails blog.

Rating 6 for now only. Not sure if this is worth byuing on DVD just for the Lederhosen.

Happy New Year 2017!