Drama. Director Jozef Palka
-Year: 1979
-Year in film: 1910s ?
-Country: CZ
-Who in clothing: boys ~10, sailor suit
-Who in clothing 2: other hist. clothes, shorts
-Available on DVD: no
-I own: no
-Clothing occurence: medium ?
-Rating: 4/10
-Rating: ****
-Comment: Some boys at school in jackets with white and also with blue dark blue collars, mainly thicker stripe(s) and collars angled at the front. Also at least one in a dark grey blue collar and purple stripes (pic below). Party combined with string ties and caps or straw hats. Mainly short sailor suits. Also a spanking scene at class (I think no sailor suit). Of course also lots of other historical clothes.
Interesting TV movie (60 minutes) and rare sailor suits, but I prefer regular collars. No entry at IMDb.
The scenes are flashback scenes 50 years ago, maybe set in the 1910s or 1920s? Novel by Štefan Králik.
Rating 4-5 only.

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