Again a bit off-topic but tight swim shorts are already historical and mainly worn in the 1980s and 90s. And the scene might be of interest.
I found this on one of my older hard discs searching for more of my unknown movies. Unfortunately I haven't found any more clues or better pics but I'm still searching online.
I haven't found any clips or pics of this one on the web, so I will share this. The scene is from the 2000 German short film "Fast nackt". I had this on VHS but probably not completetly. I think this is the only scene of interest. The main plot is about grown-ups.
The boy is sitting with other boys in an indoor swimming pool reading something. He stands up and first have to pull his legs of his swim shorts down and later have to adjust some more. Pulling the legs of underwear I have seen in L'enfant sage (see my bedroom blog) but that was due to wearing tight jeans over them lifting them up.
Later he is also standing on the diving board but on the side and from a distance. Swim shorts are maybe too tight especially for the 2000.
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A rating 10 entry coming next.

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