Family film
-Year: 2013
-Year in film: 2010s ?
-Country: Sweden
-Who in clothing: boy Sune ~11 ?, men Lederhosen
-Who in clothing 2: girl overalls
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: no
-Clothing occurence: very low ?
-Rating: 3/10 ?
-Rating: ***
-Comment: An older boy, I think the main character played by William Ringström, his younger brother and his dad in "Sound of Music" -like Lederhosen (probably not of leather) supposed to made out of green curtains. His dad has H-style suspenders. At least an older man in ordinary long buckskin Lederhosen. Maybe more actors? Also a girl in bib overalls (on my other blog rating 3). Set in Tyrol during a vacation.
I haven't seen the complete movie, so I can't say much more. Pic is from a behind the scenes vid. This scene is very close to the original Sound of Music (1965, rating 8, also see those entries here). Walking on the grass on all four legs like a dog (good rear view). He is also holding his hands in front of his Lederhosen in the behind the scenes.
I have to recheck the complete movie.
As they are no real Lederhosen, rating 3 for now only.
There are also other movies in this series, but I don't assume Lederhosen there.
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