Family film, novel Janusz Korczak
-Year: 1958
-Year in film: 1900s ?
-Country: Poland
-Who in clothing: Macius ~11, sailor suit ?
-Who in clothing 2: aristocratic clothing
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: no
-Clothing occurence: very low
-Rating: 3/10 ?
-Rating: ****
-Comment: I think this must be 11 yo Juliusz Wyrzykowski (1946-2002) as 9 / 10 yo King Macius in a short white sailor suit including cap and white stocking and shoes. White collar, 2 thick blue stripes. Also in aristocratic green clothes and crown.
I only have checked it at high speed but only found very few scenes at about 43 minutes. Completely on YouTube. English title King Matthew I. Famous 1923 novel by Janus Korczak. I only knew the animated series and movie.
Interesting plot and maybe some other historic clothing, but for these short sailor suit scenes rating 3-4 only.
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