Drama series s1e11 (Alexei Tsarevich)
-Year: 1974
-Year in film: 1915
-Country: UK
-Who in clothing: Alexis ~13, sailor suit
-Who in clothing 2: uniforms
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: no
-Clothing occurence: very low
-Rating: 3/10
-Rating: ***
-Comment: Frederick Alexander (died at age 22) in a long dark blue sailor suit. Dark blue or black pants. Short collar. I only noticed a very brief scene at about 7 minutes. 60 minutes in total. Episode s1e11 "Tell the King the Sky is Falling".
I recently checked this version from my Alexei Tsarevich and Rasputin film list. Maybe one of the worst versions.
Maybe there are also other episodes with some historical clothes of interest, but I only have checked this one (at high speed). Typical boring 70s UK history series.Completely on YouTube.
This rating about 3.
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