August 21, 2024

Jugend mit Herz - Aus dem Leben einer Jugendgruppe für Vogelschutz


Documentary, 41 min
Year: 1958
Year in film: 1950s  
Country: Germany
Who in clothing: boys ~12-17, Lederhosen
Who in clothing 2:
Available on DVD: no ?
I own: no
Clothing occurrence: medium+       
Rating:  5/10 ?    
Rating: *****
Comment: Some older boys/teen boys (mainly 3) in Lederhosen. At least one in smooth finished leather.

Another movie from the 16mm channel. This time a longer movie. Image quality is as usual poor but this time even worse (sometimes out of focus).

My favourite scene is pic 2 at 33 going upstairs. Pic 3 is at 28, pic 1 at 36. Unpictured sitting/kneeing at 34.

Entry on IMDb.

Rating ~5.


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