This is my 2nd blog about feature films, TV series and documentaries with boys, girls, men and women in sailor suits, Lederhosen and other historical clothing of the 19th century and beyond. I collect informations, trailer videos, low-res images and personal comments/ratings. This blog was introduced in 2011. 2012-2020 on Wordpress. Now I'm back. Update will take a while.

June 30, 2020
Achims Kinderhitparade
I think this was a spin-off of Achims Hitparade by Achim Mentzel.
Repost June 2018. Rating was 4.
Pictured the last episode in ~2006. YouTube clip Kinderhitparaden Allstars - "Es ist so schön ein Musikant zu sein" & "Vogelhochzeit".
Maybe more episodes, staring in the mid 1990s ? More infos lost.
Country Germany,
Rating 4,
June 28, 2020
Posredine mira
Drama short, Soviet Union 1990
2 boys in sailor suits. One older boy in a white sailor suit and light blue collar.
I think few scenes.
Repost Nov 2018.
Rating was 4.
June 26, 2020
A kis lord (1918)
Drama/short, 26 min
-Year: 1918
-Year in film: 1880s
-Country: Hungary
-Who in clothing: Ceddie ~9, sailor suit
-Who in clothing 2:
-Available on DVD: yes ?
-I own: no
-Clothing occurence: low ?
-Rating: 3/10 ?
-Rating: ***
-Comment: At least Tibor Lubinszky in a dark sailor suit with white collar.
Another Little Lord Fauntleroy version.
New post
I've checked this some time ago.
I think rating ~2-3 only.
I have some other versions, best is of course the 1980 version
Pics of other versions currently missing but are not as good
June 25, 2020
Den förtrollade vägen
TV drama, Sweden, Finland 1986.
Repost Sept 2018
A young boy (5 yo Riki ?) in a blue sailor suit. Long collar flap. 3 stripes.
Rating was 5.
Also other scenes of interest.
I think also other boys in historical clothes. Set in 1917.
More infos lost.
June 23, 2020
Info: Open Memory Box
I had 2 posts about this website with vintage movies.
I only have checked some few movies then. I don't have the time to check all movies. There are also movies in color. But probably few showing Lederhosen.
More infos are lost.
Repost from March 2020, 1st post September 2019 shortly after opening that site.
Rating maybe ~4?
Country Germany,
Rating 4,
June 21, 2020
Skippy (1931)
Family film, USA starring Jackie Cooper.
Repost Apr 2019
One boy (not Copper) in a sailor suit but with half detached collar.
Also uniforms at the end.
Rating probably ~3.
June 19, 2020
Song of the South (1946)
Disney film, partially animated
Repost Nov 2018
Bobby Driscoll in a light blue sailor suit (2 thin white stripes and matching dickey) and also in a lace collar.
Rating was ~4 or 3. I think rather few good scenes.
June 17, 2020
Frau Holle (1961)
Family film, fairy tales, Germany.
Repost Jan 2019.
At least 2 boys in longer pants with H-style suspenders. Probably no Lederhosen and I think few scenes.
Rating was probably 2 or 3.
Country Germany,
Rating 3,
June 15, 2020
Sun on the Stubble
Family series, 6 ep
–Year: 1996
–Year in film: 1930s
–Country: Australia
–Who in clothing: girl ~9 sailor suit
–Who in clothing 2: boys hist. clothing
–Available on DVD: yes ?
–I own: no
–Clothing occurrence: low ?
–Rating: 3/10 ?
–Rating: ***
–Comment: At least one girl in a medium blue sailor dress and a white collar. Also boys in historical clothes (mainly knickers with suspenders).
New post.
I recently found this but only checked this briefly.
Also soon on my overalls blog (teen girl, rating ~4).
I watched and liked this series in the 90s.
I also uploaded a new pic of Saturdee (boy sailor suit, rating 6)
–Year: 1996
–Year in film: 1930s
–Country: Australia
–Who in clothing: girl ~9 sailor suit
–Who in clothing 2: boys hist. clothing
–Available on DVD: yes ?
–I own: no
–Clothing occurrence: low ?
–Rating: 3/10 ?
–Rating: ***
–Comment: At least one girl in a medium blue sailor dress and a white collar. Also boys in historical clothes (mainly knickers with suspenders).
New post.
I recently found this but only checked this briefly.
Also soon on my overalls blog (teen girl, rating ~4).
I watched and liked this series in the 90s.
I also uploaded a new pic of Saturdee (boy sailor suit, rating 6)
Country other,
Rating 3,
sailor suit,
June 13, 2020
Info 287: Webfinds
Shiny shorts Adidas and Puma.
These are historical clothes, too.
I found this on Youtube during research for my new wiki (see previous post in Mary Poppins Returns).
I won't add pics for some reason.
Was ist los mit Tommy? (1978) - Schulfim/DOKU
These are historical clothes, too.
I found this on Youtube during research for my new wiki (see previous post in Mary Poppins Returns).
I won't add pics for some reason.
Was ist los mit Tommy? (1978) - Schulfim/DOKU
June 12, 2020
Mary Poppins Returns
Movie USA/UK 2018.
One young boy, I think Joel Dawson in a short white sailor suit and light blue collar, 2 white stripes and light blue cap. Also Mary Poppins in a light blue or turqouise sailor dress. Also other historical clothes.
Repost Dec 2018.
Rating probably 3 or less. I assume very few good scenes.
Off topic, but maybe someone is interested in my wiki about rare school TV series. (No sailor suit or Lederhosen, yet and few entries)
Country UK,
Country USA,
Rating 3,
sailor suit,
June 10, 2020
Bekenntnisse des Hochstaplers Felix Krull (1982)
German TV series, 1982 by Bernhard Sinkel. 5 ep.
Repost Sept 2018. Rating was 3.
Oliver Wehe in a black sailor suit with dark blue long callr flap, 3 stripes. Also in other historical clothes with a white collar. Younger than might looking here. Maybe some more actors in historical clothes.
I think very few good scenes. Also other scenes of interest like in a bathtub.
Novel by Thomas Mann.
I don't like this actor nor this sailor suit.
June 8, 2020
Mini-Gabaliers: I sing a Liad für di
By coincidence I found this clip on YouTube. By searching for other TV series.
I haven't checked this nor other clips. Usually, I have sound disabled or at very low volume. Maybe there are even better clips / songs of them or other clips as recommendation on YouTube.
Lederhosen are quite short. Boys are handsome but young.
Rating ~4 for now.
Country Germany,
Rating 4,
June 7, 2020
Update: Mehrstimmig. Die Wiener Sängerknaben
One update. Yesterday, the movie was still being broadcasted.
Next to the black suits and the modern, light blue collars, also boys in white blouses and dark blue collars. Probably one of the 3 other choirs of The Vienna Boys Choir.
And one good scene where new members were given their new suits which are on hangers.
As said before, I don't like the modern collars with the thin white stripes.
I think in the early 90s they had regular collars. They were also singing parts of Sound of Music (also see that, rating 10) song The Lonely Goatherd.
The 2nd documentary Silk Road I have seen before. 2 or 3 boys are from USA.
Country Austria,
Rating 4,
sailor suit
June 6, 2020
Mehrstimmig. Die Wiener Sängerknaben (on TV)
Documentary Wiener Sängerknaben
-Year: 2015
-Year in film: ~2015
-Country: Austria
-Who in clothing: boys, sailor suit
-Who in clothing 2: other clothing
-Available on DVD: yes?
-I own: no
-Clothing occurence: medium+
-Rating: 6/10
-Rating: ******
-Comment: Members of the Vienna Boys Choir (Wiener Sängerknaben) mainly in black suit and light blue collars (thin white stripes). There are always 4 choirs. Probably another choir in white blouses sitting on the floor. Another update soon. Also in casual clothes including board shorts. Hosted by one of the boys.
Now on 3sat. More infos later.
After that another documentary. Wege in die Ferne.
I also have more posts about them.Blog search. Most pics currently missing.
Country Austria,
Rating 4,
sailor suit
June 5, 2020
Die Schöngrubers
Family film / series, 13 ep
–Year: 1972
–Year in film: ~1910
–Country: Germany
–Who in clothing: boys ~9 sailor suit
–Who in clothing 2: hist clothes
–Available on DVD: yes
–I own: no
–Clothing occurence: low-
–Rating: 3/10
–Rating: ***
–Comment: At least this boy in a short, dark blue or black sailor suit with matching collar and a white sailor's cap. Pic from ep 1. Similar scenes in ep 6. Also a blonde boy in a rare light grey (non-sailor) suit, white non-sailor collar and a wide tie in ep 4 and with a plain white collar in ep 3.
New post. I have briefly checked all episodes.
Rating ~3 for now only. Very few good scenes. Set partly in Vienna.
June 4, 2020
Die Buddenbrooks (1979)
German TV series. 11 ep.
At least one young boy in a light blue / white blue striped sailor suit (long matching pants with cuffed up legs on the beach). Regular, dark blue collar and a flat straw hat.
There's also a brief scene of a boy with a white collar and maybe ladies in sailor-style dresses in ep 5. School scenes in ep 10.
Repost May 2018. Rating was 3. I think very few good scenes. And young boy only. Pic from ep 9.
I also have better versions of Buddenbrooks
Country Germany,
Rating 3,
sailor suit,
June 3, 2020
Keménykalap és krumpliorr
Family film / series, 4 ep
–Year: 1974
–Year in film: 1970
–Country: Hungary
–Who in clothing: boy ~8 Lederhosen
–Who in clothing 2: boys shorts
–Available on DVD: yes?
–I own: no
–Clothing occurence: medium+
–Rating: 3/10
–Rating: ***
–Comment: At least one chubby boy in dark brown, I think buckskin Lederhosen with H-style suspenders. Also others in shorts.
New post.
Scene pictured at 12 minutes. Several scenes in the 1st half, also some near the end at ~1h01. In between he also wore long pants with suspenders and shorts without suspenders.
First I wasn't sure about the fabric but it seems buckskin leather in the sun. Maybe soft leather.
Typical movie of it's time.
Somehow I don't like the Lederhosen.
Rating ~3 only.
Country other,
Rating 3,
June 2, 2020
Update: Apenstreken
Some boys in historical clothes including sailor suits. I previously had an entry in 2016 but made an update in Aug 2018 with new pics after checking the complete movie.
Rating was 6.
Also a girl in a medium blue sailor dress. Was also on my pigtails blog. Handsome boy in traditional farm clothes and wooden clogs.
Main entry with another new pic
Country Netherlands,
Rating 6,
sailor suit
June 1, 2020
Fly My Kite (Our Gang)
Little Rascals / Our Gang short film 1931.
Repost Oct 2018. (Probably) Jackie Williams, pictured and others in a sailor suit or at least blouse with collar. 3 stripes. Green cap.
Rating was 3. Colorized version.
Also on my overalls blog, rating 3 as well.
Main overview entry here (2 pics reuploaded), several Our Gang movies still missing here including a girl.
Country USA,
Rating 3,
sailor suit,
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