TV drama/ biography Erich Kästner
–Year: 2016
–Year in film: 1931
–Country: Germany, Austria
–Who in clothing: boy ~11 , sailor suit
–Who in clothing 2: hist. clothes, uniforms, Lederhosen
–Available on DVD: yes
–I own: no
–Clothing occurence: very low *
–Rating: 3/10
–Rating: ***
–Comment: This evening on TV.
At least one boy in a long, dark blue sailor suit. Also historical clothes and 1930s uniforms.
Sorry for the late info. I can't say much more yet. More infos later.
Update: Completely seen (at regular speed). Unfortunately only this, very brief scene of a sailor suit. The 2nd half is set in~1939 with different actors. At the end a man in longer Lederhosen. Also rather few and brief scenes of 30s uniforms.
Interesting plot and facts, I didn't knew. Some handsome boys. Also soon on my pigtails blog.
Previously rated 5, now for the very brief scene rating 2-3. Movie itself rating ~5-6.
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