This is my 2nd blog about feature films, TV series and documentaries with boys, girls, men and women in sailor suits, Lederhosen and other historical clothing of the 19th century and beyond. I collect informations, trailer videos, low-res images and personal comments/ratings. This blog was introduced in 2011. 2012-2020 on Wordpress. Now I'm back. Update will take a while.
July 28, 2017
Escape from the Dark (1976)
Disney film
–Year: 1976
–Year in film: 1909
–Country: UK, USA
–Who in clothing: Alice ~12, sailor dress ?
–Who in clothing 2:
–Available on DVD: yes
–I own: no
–Clothing occurence: low+ ?
–Rating: 3/10
–Rating: ***
–Comment: At least one girl, probably Chloe Franks in a long, medium blue sailor dress, with a white collar, 2 thick stripes and matching dickey. Also in white sleeveless shirt. And at least 2 boys (Benjie Bolgar, Andrew Harison (The Secret Garden 1975) in historical clothes including knickers and caps.
A quite typical Disney movie of it's time. 1900s setting in the UK (coal mine scenes).
I haven't seen the complete movie, yet. There are definitely better movies.
For the sailor dress, rating 3 for now only. US title: The Littlest Horse Thieves.
July 24, 2017
Sommerfrische - Erinnerungen an den Urlaub im Südwesten
Documentary, vacation 60s
–Year: 2016
–Year in film: 1960s, 70s
–Country: Germany
–Who in clothing: boy ~7-10 Lederhosen
–Who in clothing 2:
–Available on DVD: no ?
–I own: yes, partly TV recording
–Clothing occurence: low
–Rating: 7/10
–Rating: *******
–Comment: Some boys in Lederhosen including smooth finished leather.
Has been aired yesterday. Available on the SWR / ARD mediathek. I only have seen the end.
Another, usual but very interesting documentary. Most moving images are b&w. Both pics are unfortunately just photos (at 1h09+1h10). So I can only give rating 7-8 for now. Needs to be rechecked completetly.
Update: Completely checked (the last 20 minutes of my recording I will check later). Very few Lederhosen scenes. One 5 yo shirtless, blonde boy (b&w at 53 minutes). Best scenes are already pictured. One b&w scene at around 1h07. I think the same boy as well.
July 21, 2017
Update: Junges Licht
After more than half a year, I finally have seen (almost) the complete movie. One of the best recent Lederhosen movies. Rating 9 was correct, almost rating 10!
Many good scenes and often sitting scenes. But rather few others (from school) and I think no smooth finish Lederhosen. And I don't like much the main character. Blonde would be better.
Pic 1 at 48 minutes, pic 2 21, pic 3 at 58 (also on all fours, even better) and pic 4 at 34 minutes with another boy in Lederhosen but without suspenders. Unpictured: Sitting on bed at 1h42.
There's a spanking scene at school (slapping on the hands, another boy).
Definitely worth buying, but I bet that this will soon be aired on TV.
Also soon on my bedroom blog (rating 6).
Main entry (pic there at 14 minutes)
I also have found the recent unknown movie on my shiny shorts blog.
July 20, 2017
A Fortunate Life
TV mini series, biography A.B. Facey
–Year: 1985
–Year in film: -1915
–Country: Australia
–Who in clothing: boy ~5-11 hist. cl.
–Who in clothing 2:
–Available on DVD: yes
–I own: no
–Clothing occurence: medium- ?
–Rating: 4/10
–Rating: ****
–Comment: At least these boys (and girl and others) in historical clothes. One in a short, dark blue suit and a scarf, looking almost like a sailor suit (but short, round collar).
The boy on the right in a grey suit with a round, a bit larger collar but not a sailor suit either. And boys in shorts with suspenders. There are also shirtless scenes of an older boy being washed.
I have briefly checked the 2 of the 4 episodes available online.
Quite interesting. But could be better.
Rating 4 for now only.
July 17, 2017
Høyere enn himmelen
Comedy film
–Year: 1993
–Year in film: 1990s ?
–Country: Norway
–Who in clothing: boy ~9 sailor suit
–Who in clothing 2:
–Available on DVD: yes
–I own: no
–Clothing occurence: very low
–Rating: 4/10
–Rating: ****
–Comment: One younger, blonde boy in a white sailor suit and white collar (2 dark blue stripes and 2 stars) and dark blue pants. I think one brief scene at the beginning only.
Setting looks quite modern. Not sure if 1990s or maybe (some years) earlier.
Rating 3-4 only.
Novel by Klaus Hagerup. Main plot is about a girl. English title: Beyond the Sky.
July 13, 2017
Unknown #25 found? Five Mile Creek ?
After a rather short search, I finally found my original recording. Unfortunately, a 4 minute short clip only. At least I can provide some more infos and pics.
It was on my 2nd oldest tape, broadcasted in Germany probably in 1989. Looks like an adventure series/movie. Probably Australian (or Canadian) as fist assumed).
The younger boy (pic 2 and pic 2 of my 1st post) is in a store, where he used to work. Pic 1 showing the owner. There's also his wife with grey curly hair. And they are calling a young lady called Maggie (daughter or employee ?).
Pic 2 showing the boy leaving the store. No watermill but wooden wagon wheel. He then saw a lady hiding and walking. And then a young lady climbed out of the window from the building with the stone wall (pic in update 1).
Then the boy and the other, older boy entering the cabin of Jeremiah and reading from his diary about "Sept. 1852" (probably the gold rush in AUS).
Not sure if pic 3 belongs to the same movie but probably. Could be the young lady (Maggie) and also looks like Louise Caire Clark. The man also looks Australian. But maybe not Rod Mullinar. The only matching series, I found is Five Mile Creek. Location and plot are similar. But I only found a blonde boy there and noone called Jeremiah.
Update: I found this. The Haunted School (1986). I even bought it. But it was not that good.
July 12, 2017
Update: Unknown 25
I found 3 or 4 more pics of this unknown (movie or) series. These pics are captured in 2010 (airing much earlier, 90s ?), so half a year earlier than the 2 others which now confirmed belonging together. The medieval stone wall (and water mill) looks now more like South or East European (perhaps Italy or Spain) and maybe not Canadian or Australian.
I thought, I found a hint, on what brand and age of tapes this could be from, but probably this was wrong and so I still haven't found the original recording. I don't have the time to watch all my tapes, often LP. I'm quite sure, that I didn't knew and didn't wrote the title when recorded, anyway. I have to do more research. Maybe the caps are from a short clip on a DVDr.
Maybe, someone now recognizes the building or actors. I still haven't found my Italian and other unknown movies (tag unknown), same for other blogs. I'm sure, that I don't have a recording of the other unknown Italian movie aired around 1988-1992, just the photo.
July 10, 2017
Marhuľový lekvár
TV drama
–Year: 1988
–Year in film: 1930s ?
–Country: CZ
–Who in clothing: boy ~9 sailor suit
–Who in clothing 2:
–Available on DVD: no ?
–I own: no
–Clothing occurrence: low+ ?
–Rating: 4/10
–Rating: ****
–Comment: At least this boy in a short, white sailor suit. Big collar, rectangled at front. 3 thick dark blue stripes, matching dickey and blue scarf. He is at least partly undressed by a woman outside.
Story by Ferenc Karinthy, directed by Zoro Laurinc. 55 minutes. No entry on IMDb. Title means Apricot jam.
Also other scenes of interest, but for the sailor suit rating 4 only.
IMDb title: Marhulový lekvár. Correct title: Marhuľový lekvár. What means Apricot Jam. Somehow it couldn't be found here. Pic re-uploaded.
July 3, 2017
Pappa ante Portas
Comedy film by Loriot
–Year: 1991
–Year in film: 1990s ?
–Country: Germany
–Who in clothing: girls ~10-12 ? sailor dress
–Who in clothing 2:
–Available on DVD: yes
–I own: no
–Clothing occurence: very low
–Rating: 3/10
–Rating: ***
–Comment: A girls' choir at the end of the movie in light blue dresses and white sailor collars.
Very good and funny movie, but probably only this brief scene showing sailor clothes.
For that rating 3-4 only. Movie much higher.