Historical documentary series. 103 ep
–Year: 2005
–Year in film: ~1900s ?
–Country: Russia
–Who in clothing: boy (+girl ?) sailor suit
–Who in clothing 2:
–Available on DVD: no ?
–I own: no
–Clothing occurence: very low ?
–Rating: 2/10
–Rating: **
–Comment: Some few kids in sailor suits. All pics from ep 71 which is about 1969 deaths and about Korney Chukovsky (Чуковский, Корней Иванович), a famous children's poet.
Pics 1+3 showing maybe a girl but could also be a boy with longer hair. Long dark (blue) collar and dark dickey. Also some more kids at school. Pic 2 showing a boy on a beach in a white sailor suit.
Obviously very few scenes, at least in this episode. Maybe more in others?
Rating 2-3 for now only. Russian title: Исторические хроники.

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