Biography starring Franz Beckenbauer
–Year: 1973
–Year in film: 1970s
–Country: Germany
–Who in clothing: boy ~9, Lederhosen
–Who in clothing 2: shorts, pajamas
–Available on DVD: yes
–I own: yes, TV recording
–Clothing occurence: low
–Rating: 3/10
–Rating: ***
–Comment: At least one Bavarian boy playing Soccer in traditional clothes including long, dark brown buckskin Lederhosen. Scene at 39 minutes after the first classroom scene (including the comments). Suspenders not shown (maybe under the pullover ?), red stockings. I think I also have seen a boy in short beige Lederhosen but currently, I cannot find him anymore. Also boys in shorts (1 medium blue, one short, tight dark brown, some later in colorful shorts). 3 boys in pajamas.
Another nice 70s movie in the Schlefaz movie series (worst movies of all times). Has been aired yesterday. Available on the mediathek.
I have to recheck it more carefully at slow speed but there are few and brief scenes. 2 school scenes.
Rating 2-3 only.
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