Drama by Ingmar Bergman
-Year: 1992
-Year in film: 1920s
-Country: Sweden, others
-Who in clothing: boys ~7-10 sailor suits
-Who in clothing 2: Pu 9, shorts
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: no
-Clothing occurence: very low
-Rating: 4/10 ?
-Rating: ****
-Comment: 3 boys in different sailor suits. Also a boy wearing shorts with a belt and suspenders.
During research for my western blog I found a "most wanted on DVD list" on IMDb. This is on TOP 1 with foreign language. In the meatime this and some others have been released on DVD and or BD. It's also completely on YouTube but I only have checked it briefly at high speed.
I only noticed some few scenes with the boys in sailor suits at the beginning only. The young boy on the very left wearing a short blue collar, then next to him an older boy wearing a white collar and in the middle a boy wearing a dark blue sailor suit. They went into the house climbing upstairs and their back is partly shown. The blue collars are short. I haven't noticed the white one which seems much more of interest (I have to recheck it). Then they are sitting at a table and some close-up views but only party and sometimes blurry.
Also interesting is the boy (Henrik Linnros as Pu Bergman) wearing belt and suspenders at the same time what is very rare.
Some other scenes of interest like an undressing, shirtless and a toilet scene (not involving sailor suits).
Quite interesting but typical Swedish movie. Directed by Daniel Bergman. Partly an autobiography of the Bergman's family.
I bought Fanny och Alexander but wouldn't buy this one. English title "Sunday's Children". Reminds me of Alla vi barn i Bullerbyn.
Few sailor suit scenes. Rating 4 only.
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