DEFA family film
-Year: 1978
-Year in film: 1970s
-Country: East Germany
-Who in clothing: boy ~7, Lederhosen
-Who in clothing 2: shorts, speedos, girl skirtalls
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: no
-Clothing occurence: low ?
-Rating: 3/10
-Rating: ***
-Comment: At least this young boy in buckskin medium brown Lederhosen (without suspenders, maybe with 2 zippers at the side). Several other young boys in shorts and speedos and a girl in dark blue skirtalls or a jeans dress (on my overalls blog, rating 3 as well).
I think I have seen this movie some years ago but can't remember all scenes.
Obviously a typical East German family movie with mainly very young actors. 64 minutes only.
I have to recheck it the next broadcasting but think very few (good) Lederhosen scenes.
So rating 2-3 for now only. Nothing special (at least not concerning Lederhosen).
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