–Year: 1980
–Year in film: 1946
–Country: Israel
–Who in clothing: girls, sailor dresses
–Who in clothing 2: boys hist. clothes
–Available on DVD: no ?
–I own: no
–Clothing occurrence: very low ?
–Rating: 3/10 *
–Rating: ***
–Comment: At least 2 girls in different sailor dresses. More of interest some boys in white undershirts. It almost looks like my missing Italian assumed unknown film 9 but it's unlikely (hair at ears). Also interesting plot. First Israeli feature film about homosexuality. Main character is a 12 yo boy and his teacher.
For the girls rating ~2-3. Movie probably much higher.
I haven't found the full movie yet but a trailer on the directors site (Wolmandan) with these pics.
Machboim is the official title. Hebrew title .מחבואים